

  • Well, I'm Feb 25 and although we don't match, I am a Pisces. You're right, where are the Pisces?
  • Well, that's my ex-husband's birthday... 12 pages in and I haven't seen February 25! I do know two really great guys that share my birthday, though.
  • Holy smokes! You look like your own little (much younger) sister! (NO offense if you have one....) When your husband comes home you better find a babysitter for a few days because he won't leave you alone.
  • I use the scale at work, so it is definitely with clothes on, but I do take off my shoes. :wink: My work clothes are scrubs so they might as well be PJs.
  • Oh dear. That sounds rather nasty. There are lots of good ideas to increase fiber in your diet listed here, but a good ol' standby is Orange flavor Metamucil. They make a sugar-free smooth kind that tastes a bit like the Tang of old. The only caveat is you mix it and chug it within a few moments or else it all settles at…
  • Oh gosh! What I wouldn't give to just unzip my "fat suit" and step out all slim, trim,and tone the way I used to be. But it doesn't work that way, so its back to the old GIGO (Garbage In, Garbage Out). Everyone deserves about 5 minutes once or twice a week to whine and complain that life is too hard. Because it can be. As…
  • These look great. I make my own potato oven fries and like to do yams, but the yams always seem too soft. Do the carrot fries end up crispier?
  • That is terrific! What a great story to think back on. When you bought new undies did plan for losing more weight?
    in oops Comment by rebbiebear August 2012
  • Well, in the nursing world the "Magic Bullet" is a little medication you squirt into someone's rectum to make them poop. So considering all the drama maybe quite a few people here have been using the "Magic Bullet"! :laugh:
  • Yes, it is a personal responsibility. That does not mean anyone has to travel alone down the road. The same way people like to have friends to do things with in 'real life', people like to have friends online who are in touch with what they are going through. No one is made to be anyone's "friend" and if the idea seems…
  • That's terrific! You look like a new person. Congrats, Congrats, Congrats on a job well done. (And in one year, too.) You give me inspiration!
  • Aedlife, 7 straight weeks of success! That's a lot of planning and work. Good for you.
  • HI, I just started today and friends with upbeat attitudes are very welcome to me. I am a 46 year old mom of a tween boy with Asperger's Syndrome, a husband of 3 years and two special-needs tween step kids. Although I work 3 days a week, I also live on a farm and there is always something to do on a farm. As a 23 year RN I…
  • Wow, what an inspiration you are! :smile: The change is remarkable. No one would know it was only 80 lbs. You must feel so much better. How did you do it? Do you have a buddy? Go to the gym?... I just started today and have 90 lbs to go. Don't take this in a freaky way, but I am going to refer to your pictures often.
  • I think caring about others more than yourself is one of the main reasons people gain weight. It is easy to get caught up in all the drama and neglect yourself. Other times it is disguised as "treating yourself", but often it turns into "punishing yourself for other people's issues". After gaining 90 pounds in 10 years…
  • Call it what you want, it is still a shock to see the size clothes I have in my closet and think, "Someone big owns these". You could say my head knows what's happened to the healthy and active me, but my heart is still wondering who is in the mirror!
  • I just joined and everyone is so right: a positive attitude is essential to this kind of undertaking. In my work career as a RN I've seen amazing things happen by people who have a positive outlook and supportive people around them. As a newbie, I could definetly use positive upbeat helpful people arouond me. Feel free to…