

  • I like the dvd, but I tend to get angry with her sometimes, and cussing her out doesn't make me feel better when doing strenuous activity:p
  • Don't even think about wearing any make-up when you get onto that scale! You might as well not even bother with weighing yourself if you don't wash off your face first. Oh, and if you have a fuzzy towel, make sure to pick off all of the fuzzies on your face left over from drying your face. While you're at it, your hair…
  • I understand your dilemma:/ It really sucks having to wait for someone to walk into your life and feeling alone until they do. And I'm right there with ya (kind of, I haven't lost all the weight yet). But even when I feel like I'm forever alone, I try to go out and do what I want to do. I guess what I mean is, you've gotta…
  • Support's always great:) Feel free to add me.