

  • I understand exactly what you are saying and I feel the same way. It probably is both being overweight and having poor self esteem, at least for me. That's part of the reason I joined MFP too. Although, now I want to lose weight more for me than for anything else... I just want to be healthy and feel good about myself.
  • My tailbone still hurts when I ride mine. It doesn't hurt all the time though. Just when I ride and for a few minutes after.
  • HAHAHA! I was laughing at the bread picture and quote, but I messed it up lol
  • I know exactly how you feel. My grandmother passed away on September 9th and it was really difficult to stay motivated. I would go to the park and walk and listen to music and cry. It DOES get easier, but it takes time. I'm sorry for your loss and wish you the best :)
  • I understand your frustration! I have two dogs that both came from the shelter. The oldest I got when she was only 6 weeks old and she was easy to train by keeping her in a crate when I wasn't home. The second, however, I didn't get until she was five months old and she was so difficult to train! It took a couple months to…
  • It has already been said, but crockpots are GREAT! I use mine three or four times a week. I am also single with no kids and I can put 3 frozen chicken breasts (I buy the 5 pound bag at walmart for around 10 bucks) in the crockpot with some chicken stock and opion soup mix for 6-8 hours and then shred and chicken and add…
  • My favorite right now is Stronger by Kelly Clarkson... others on my list right now are Till I Collapse and Lose Yourself by Eminem, Wanna Be Startin Something by Michael Jackson, and several songs from the new Matchbox Twenty album.
  • I am always over on sugar and it is ALWAYS from fruit and/or yogurt. I just gave up and don't worry about it.
  • I don't have one, but I have seen them and I think they are awesome. If I ever got a tattoo, that's what it would be.
  • My dog ate a tampon once and I had to take her to vet so they could... ummm... remove it... it was the most embarrasing experience ever! She also ate a whole bag of tootsie pops. She just ate the candy. There were wrappers and sticks all over my house when I came home.
  • I have noticed a difference in how my clothes fit after about 30 pounds... I still can't tell when I just look at myself naked lol... other people (except close friends and family) have not noticed yet (or at least have not said anything about it) and I have lost 39 so far.
  • I LOVE Sheldon!!!
  • Holy crap! That is amazing! Great job!
  • I bought a recumbent bike several weeks ago and I LOVE it. Having it at home has really helped me stick to working out. I have only missed one day in eight weeks! I also walk at the park and use resistance bands for variety. Good luck!
  • I have this problem too. When I first started I scrubbed and stained my back deck and scrubbed and painted my front porch among a million other projects around the house lol. There have also been a lot of times when I could not stop thinking about snacking so I get out of the house and take the dogs to the park for a walk.…
  • I have struggled with Depression for the last several years and I have found that exercise helps me to deal with it. I didn't want to have to take medication to deal with the Depression so I had to find a better solution. After hours of research on the subject this is what I came up with. When I am feeling down or get the…
  • I just started MFP about five days ago, but I am on week four of my new lifestyle. I have lost 15 lbs so far, but I have well over 100 to go. Feel free to add me :)