

  • guys are great! im glad im not the only one. i NEVER go on the scale unless i am feeling thinner. i cant see the same numbers. (even if that means not going on for a week or two) and chocolate??....yeah....i had 3 brownies today....guess whats comming?? i feel fa-a-at. hahaha. its tough being us…
  • Thanks for all of the replies :) I currently walk dogs a few times a day for some cash just so i can get outside and moving. I was a bartender in NYC for 4 years and just left it in Nov. It was getting hard working all night and sleeping all day. I could never get myself to wake up early enough to get outside during the…
  • :cry:
  • anyone else gain between 3-7lbs. during the week before they get their period? can you notice the gain all over your body? (arms, belly, face??) :frown: it really makes me feel like im not getting anywere with my weight loss and in turn......makes me eat. so annoting....
  • Hey everyone...I joined a few months ago but I have never been on here before. Well....its time. I need some suport from people who are going through the same obsticles as me.... I m having trouble losing some weight that I gained over the past 8 years from meds, college, laziness, and some other issues. Any ideas on some…
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