Hi...trying to get in the groove...

Hey everyone...I joined a few months ago but I have never been on here before. Well....its time. I need some suport from people who are going through the same obsticles as me.... I m having trouble losing some weight that I gained over the past 8 years from meds, college, laziness, and some other issues. Any ideas on some good cardio workouts that i could do at home without having a tredmill or anything? I have been eating much healthier and keeping decent track of my calories...more or less....:ohwell:


  • charlsie15
    Hey everyone...I joined a few months ago but I have never been on here before. Well....its time. I need some suport from people who are going through the same obsticles as me.... I m having trouble losing some weight that I gained over the past 8 years from meds, college, laziness, and some other issues. Any ideas on some good cardio workouts that i could do at home without having a tredmill or anything? I have been eating much healthier and keeping decent track of my calories...more or less....:ohwell:
  • mimzy123
    mimzy123 Posts: 36
    jumping jacks, jump rope(which you can get at the dollar store if you dont already have one), hula hooping(also available at the dollar store)...
    muscle building, like situps, pushups, etc. are also as good as cardio.. they burn calories long after you are done working out..
  • kerridwen
    kerridwen Posts: 165
    I'm in a similar situation and I've been unable to do real exercise with a broken bone for about 5 months now - I'm finding even just walking quickly an hour a day is making a small difference. It certainly stopped the gaining!

    Depending on where you live, biking and hiking are really fun as well. If you have a dog, or are near a town or city there are a lot of groups you can join (and you can find online) if your friends aren't looking to increase their activity too!
  • charlsie15
    thanks guys!
  • graypink0130
    Try yoga, pilates, and crunches.
  • SoulfulLori
    I'm struggling with being able to exercise for medical reasons myself. Anything that you choose to do now over what you did before is an improvement. Little changes over time make a huge difference. Try walking to tolerance for as long/fast as you can 5-6 days for a week and then go from there. Just eating better will make all the difference. Diet is 80% of the equation in this so start with that. I find an early morning very brisk walk burns a decent amount of calories and also makes me feel better emotionally. I figure if I start my day with a walk at least I've done one thing right in my day! LOL :laugh:

    You can do it. Obviously it can be done because so many on here have done it and well.

    Keep at it and keep posting.


  • charlsie15
    Thanks for all of the replies :) I currently walk dogs a few times a day for some cash just so i can get outside and moving. I was a bartender in NYC for 4 years and just left it in Nov. It was getting hard working all night and sleeping all day. I could never get myself to wake up early enough to get outside during the day and when i did, i wasnt geting enough sleep. Im not even a big drinker. So im choosing feeling healthy over money...so far....im broke and still working on the weight. im a pretty healthy eater all around so i know once i get my butt moving i should loose at least some. fingers crossed. xo