

  • Congrats on that victory, and I'm so glad you posted this! I've also been eating 1700-1900 cals for about 2 months now, with no scale movement. I am seeing inches loss, so am not truly frustrated, but I'm heavy enough that the scale really OUGHT to be moving. Was debating ordering a Body Media Fit, but not wanting to spend…
  • Someone suggested a protein snack, this may help, but you might also want to look at what you're eating for dinner. Some people are more sensitive to carbs, and if you're eating a carb heavy dinner, this might set up the hunger feeling later on. Try to keep the carbs light at dinner, or balance with protein (max 30 carbs…
  • I second the suggestion to find a buddy who will be waiting there for you. I have a very dear friend, who was willing to drag herself out of bed early to meet me at the gym because I knew early was the only time I'd be able to be consistent. There was no way I was going to leave her there waiting on me while I slept! If…
  • I totally felt that way until I started pushing a little harder on the treadmill or elliptical, and then began to feel really good afterward. I had gotten to the point that I got out of breath really easily, and everything just seemed like too much effort. Even though I had been going to the gym and walking on the…
  • While waiting for whatever appointment you make, you might try balancing carbs and protein to see if insulin resistance plays a part in your struggle. I've recently read "The Insulin Resistance Diet" book, and have begun to balance carbs and protein according to their formula, and am seeing success in measurements (scale…
  • I'm fairly new to MFP, been reading A LOT! Thankfully, found EM2LW fairly quickly, along with Dan's "Roadmap" and got off the 1,200 calories per day I started out with. That is NOT how I want to live my life! I'm making my first post here, because in reading through the EM2LW posts, and all of the frustration with resets…
    in Weird Comment by reagentmel October 2012
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