

  • Man I did not even think about that!! No wonder I am so freaking hungry all the time. I need to update my profile stat so MFP realizes that I'm nursing.
  • SW: 180 CW: 173 GW: 168 for September UGW: 150(?) Weigh in Dates: 9/1 : 173 9/8 9/15 9/22 9/31 Total weight lost: Just for fun: What is the craziest weight related comment someone has made to you since you started to lose weight? My co-worker looked at me like she was nearly in tears and asked me if I was pregnant. I was…
  • Man I am so late to this, but I still want in cause I sure need the motivation!!! Bye-Bye baby weight!! SW:180 CW:175 GW:145 8/1/2012: 180.00 8/8/2012: 178.00 8/15/2012: 175.00 8/22/2012: 8/29/2012: I have been fluctuating between 173-176 since about Friday. I have to stop this obsession of weighing myself daily beofre I…
  • These success stories just keep me going strong!! You look amazing!! Congratulations! **back to drinking my water**
  • 60 min of brisk walking after work + about 10 minutes of stretching/warm-up/cool down