cybelenoire Member


  • Hello, Kira! I'm new as well! Let's motivate one another!
  • I wouldn't say it's just you, but then again, she might feel a little competition could be a motivator for you. I know that when my much thinner co-worker goes to the gym with me, she will not get on the elliptical next to me because she can barely do 10 minutes and I'm just powering through 35 to 40 and she knows she can…
  • Way to go! That looks like so much fun! I'm the fat girl in my belly dance troupe. I started taking classes 4 years ago to get over body image issues (which I've had since I was a teenager and 100 lbs lighter than I am now) and now teach as well. It's not only awesome to have thin women come up and tell me they would never…