

  • I can't actually tell you by personal effort. My parents and my sister and I have a big build but that is not the answer or a reason. I know that after we lost my mom in 2002 to cancer. My sister, all of a whole 33 years, decided that the doctors at the hosp. where she worked knew what they were doing and did the band on…
  • :wink: Good job for you. someday I will done there to, But it all takes time and I have just began. I will be able to get that 5 k done too. So spiked and proud of you. You are an imspiration to all us. Thanks:tongue:
  • YOu sound so much like me. OH yah it has to work this time. I will loose this weight if not only for the upcoming wedding of my sister-in-law. I will do it this time. If I don't die of all my joint pain or my legs hurting. If I can get through the pain then I can make it. I have never been small or "perfect " but I am…
  • My son said in culinary school: They tell them to put them in the freezer for a bit and then they willnot bother you. It seems to work.
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