Anyone considering gastric banding???



  • dewetoys
    I can't actually tell you by personal effort. My parents and my sister and I have a big build but that is not the answer or a reason. I know that after we lost my mom in 2002 to cancer. My sister, all of a whole 33 years, decided that the doctors at the hosp. where she worked knew what they were doing and did the band on her. I know she died of alcoholism. But I know she was down to less than stick figure and could not eat anything. She was taking more pills and liquids than substance. I got the call finally when there was nothing else to do. I was the one that was the last to know. I had seen her once for 15 minutes in that whole time before she died in 2010. I will never forget how small and fragile she was and how terrible she looked. Yah she was pretty but she was not healthy. You could see all her bones and were afraid to even touch her. Yah I am a very big person. but I will do it slowly and then quit when I get to what I want to be.
    All I can say is look at the pitcher after. What is the next step and When will you be happy? Where is the end? Please be very careful and get all the information first.
    Take care.
  • jjl0412
    jjl0412 Posts: 278 Member
    I considered the ring thing but then decided If I could not do it on my own, changing my life style for a temporary crutch was not my answer either. After going through the steps required to authorize the procedure, I realized the only life style changes I wanted were the everlasting kind I could live with. Being lazy was no excuse. Will power can be persuaded when the alternative is negative. And you have the ability to control your own habits. You may tell yourself that if you lose with the band, you will never allow yourself to be overweight again. Really.....(?) UMmmm. Doubt it. Changing your habits and lifestyle with exercise and eating healthy is the only procedure that will last you a life time.

    So I made the choice to do what I should have been doing in the first place. I educated myself on why I was obese. Learned what I needed to do to change and save my own life, then got busy. Unless you have a life threatening disability and these procedures are your only option, the changes you will have to make for them could be used for your own healthy wellbeing instead. Good luck with whatever you decide, but is it a crutch, short cut, easier? Really?
  • valeriejean1407
    My dad had the band put in a few years ago. You still need a total lifestyle change by changing the portions of what you eat dramatically. My dad struggled with this and frequently had to go to the bathroom to throw up after meals because of over eating. Took quite a change to get him on track.
  • Chrisswa
    I think MFP has been my saviour just knowing what i put into my mouth has made a huge difference infact i am amazed at how much i can still eat and lose a pound a week. I had a band 2 years ago .... i only lost 10 kilos with it. If i had of had the band and MFP i would of lost more and kept it off but next year when i get down to where i want to will get the band taken out. They are uncomfortable and i have always felt it in my body. Do whats right for you but for me MFP has the answers.
  • wildcatnyc
    wildcatnyc Posts: 2,410 Member
    Have you visited There is a forum for each type of surgery. Lots of good information and research available out there...
  • khelm31
    khelm31 Posts: 51 Member
    Good questions. I've been doing a lot of research and know two people who have had the procedure. Here's a link that explains how the procedure works in losing weight:

    It is about smaller portions but allows food to stay in a smaller portion of your stomach, which causes the food to be digested slower, so you stay fuller longer.

    One person I know had it done and have had some success but has a lot of the issues other's had mentioned. Another person I know had it done and hasn't had any of those issues. I think it really is a gamble on how it affects everyone.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    Good questions. I've been doing a lot of research and know two people who have had the procedure. Here's a link that explains how the procedure works in losing weight:

    It is about smaller portions but allows food to stay in a smaller portion of your stomach, which causes the food to be digested slower, so you stay fuller longer.

    One person I know had it done and have had some success but has a lot of the issues other's had mentioned. Another person I know had it done and hasn't had any of those issues. I think it really is a gamble on how it affects everyone.

    I agree that it's a gamble, which is why when my mother asked if I would consider it I said no way, I didn't like the odds.

    As for the "feeling full longer" bc food is digested slower, well, to me, that seems like just tricking the mind into feeling something, instead of learning that not being full is really ok! I know, in my mind, that I can go several hours without eating and I'm not going to starve or pass out*** So just having an empty belly isn't a reason to eat. I consider other factors when deciding if I should eat something, and some questions I ask myself are: when did I eat last? what and how much did I eat last? How much have I eaten all day in relation to my goals? How much activity did I participate in today? Am I "hungry" because it's really time to eat? Or do I want to eat because I feel an empty belly, and I have the munchies?
    (**of course some people DO need to eat often bc of blood sugar etc, but barring any medical issues, going several hours without food is totally ok)

    I absolutely used to eat until I was overfull, and the minute there was room in my stomach for more, I gave it more! An empty belly to me, felt like a void to be filled. Now, omg I love the feeling of NOT being full! That feeling when my digestive system has already started sending my last meal through my system, before any new food gets in there, is very liberating. I am no longer ruled by a stomach that says "hey, hey you, there's room in here now, gimme somethin!"

    I think I see this as such a mental issue, that any surgical fixes don't really solve it. They just try to cover it up, or trick us into different behavior. Yes, learning the difference between wanting to eat and being actually hungry is tricky, but once I figured it out, all I needed was to practice saying no when I wasn't truly hungry. and practice. and practice. and fail lol. and practice some more.

    If a friend or loved one was going to do this procedure, I would of course support them in their efforts, I just personally feel that healthier results come from a less intrusive method. I don't intend to discourage you or make you feel bad for considering the procedure so I hope you don't take it that way. I think I'm sharing all my thoughts on it because the more information you have, the more opinions you read, the better able you will be to make the decision that is right for you.
  • jjl0412
    jjl0412 Posts: 278 Member
    Good questions. I've been doing a lot of research and know two people who have had the procedure. Here's a link that explains how the procedure works in losing weight:

    It is about smaller portions but allows food to stay in a smaller portion of your stomach, which causes the food to be digested slower, so you stay fuller longer.

    One person I know had it done and have had some success but has a lot of the issues other's had mentioned. Another person I know had it done and hasn't had any of those issues. I think it really is a gamble on how it affects everyone.

    Good luck! Going back to normal stuff... Like the gym this morning and logging the healthy foods I choose to consume today. Another day on the road to achieving my goals and living well. :wink: Goodbye.
  • khelm31
    khelm31 Posts: 51 Member
    After meeting with the doctor today, it looks like this is not an option to consider right now. I do not qualify because I'm not 100 lbs over weight and my doctor doesn't seem to be a big supporter of the surgery unless you are having other medical issues. As of now, besides my weight, I am healthy. My doctor is referring me to a nutritionist. I think this will be enlightening. I feel that I have a good grasp on how to eat healthy, but I am definitely open to learning more to help in my venture. If you want to follow my journey, I will be posting in my blog daily. Thanks for all your comments and feedback.
  • tracyt84
    i had a gastric band in may and have lost 71lbs since then,its the best thing ive done! im now in control of food,but believe me,this is no easy fix as you still need the willpower to do it as rubbish food goes down sooo easy x
  • helenx55
    helenx55 Posts: 48 Member
    I have a gastric band, albeit it an empty band...It's been nothing but a worthless headache for me! I lost nothing, yes nothing but i gained hair loss, vomiting trips to A&E where i was severely dehydrated. I learnt nothing about changing my quite frankly horrific food choices.
    I was put on the waiting list for a reversal to sleeve, when i stumbled across this site, and it has educated me with a capital E!!!
    Im now 5lbs away from a 5 stone loss, my hair is so much healthier, im obviously eating good food and i now take responsability for what i eat and how i look.
    It does work for some, and for those people i am happy for them, but for me it was useless, a waste of time, energy and money.
  • sunlover89
    sunlover89 Posts: 436 Member
    Thanks for the all the comments and insights. I haven't made any decisions yet, I've been doing A LOT of research on the procedure and other ways to lose weight.I have one family member who has had the lap band and did lose weight, but had several problems. I have a friend that had it done a year ago and doesn't seem to have any issues and has adopted a new lifestyle.
    As far as what I've tried: I've tried weight watchers several times for as long as 6 months with only 5 lb loss each time. The last time I had joined and was attending the meetings, the instructor literally told me she just didn't think this was going to work for me. I've worked with a personal trainer/nutritionist for 6 months and lost 10 lbs which she noted was good, but that I should have lost more weight. I have done calorie counts several times, with the last stint lasting approx. 5 months. I tried eating 1500 calories and exercising 30-45 min, 3-5 days a week doing elliptical, treadmill intervals, and weight lifting. I initially lost 5 lbs the first month, but then stalled the next two months. The last month I went down to 1200 calories and didn't make any progress. I gave up cokes several years ago and the the last 3 years have been trying to eat more organic foods, lean meats, fruits and vegetables, and whole wheat bread staying away from high fructose corn syrup and anything with hydrogenated oils. I read ingredients a lot. I've tried giving up carbs, sugar.

    Could any of you share what really has made you successful. Was it a particular diet, exercise, or many things?

    You're clearly doing all the right why do you think that having a smaller stomach is going to help? You can eat now what you would eat if you had the band.
    Do you binge eat? If not, and you are eating only 1200 calories and exercising then there must be some kind of medical condition that is stopping you from burning fat which should be investigated first.
  • Lobster1987
    Lobster1987 Posts: 492 Member
    DONT DO IT! The CRAPband is ****! Go with an effective weight loss surgery like the duodenal switch. Youll regret the crapband.

    go to and research all of the surgery options.
  • shan1204
    Any weight loss relies on dealing with the emotional issues that have made us gain weight and no quick fix diet or band is going to solve that.
  • GmeB
    GmeB Posts: 70 Member
    I don't want to trade one medical condition for another. It'd be like putting a bandaid on a geyser.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Thanks for the all the comments and insights. I haven't made any decisions yet, I've been doing A LOT of research on the procedure and other ways to lose weight.I have one family member who has had the lap band and did lose weight, but had several problems. I have a friend that had it done a year ago and doesn't seem to have any issues and has adopted a new lifestyle.
    As far as what I've tried: I've tried weight watchers several times for as long as 6 months with only 5 lb loss each time. The last time I had joined and was attending the meetings, the instructor literally told me she just didn't think this was going to work for me. I've worked with a personal trainer/nutritionist for 6 months and lost 10 lbs which she noted was good, but that I should have lost more weight. I have done calorie counts several times, with the last stint lasting approx. 5 months. I tried eating 1500 calories and exercising 30-45 min, 3-5 days a week doing elliptical, treadmill intervals, and weight lifting. I initially lost 5 lbs the first month, but then stalled the next two months. The last month I went down to 1200 calories and didn't make any progress. I gave up cokes several years ago and the the last 3 years have been trying to eat more organic foods, lean meats, fruits and vegetables, and whole wheat bread staying away from high fructose corn syrup and anything with hydrogenated oils. I read ingredients a lot. I've tried giving up carbs, sugar.

    Could any of you share what really has made you successful. Was it a particular diet, exercise, or many things?

    I would never consider it. My firends dad had a lap band, the deveoloped an infact from it and passed away. In my personal opinion, there are a lot of risk and possible after effects than its worth.

    Now io get to yoir post. The issue you probably had was that you cut a lot of calories too fast. I dont know your size but the average exercising woman i work with is eating 1700-2000 calories and many are within 40 lbs to their goal weight. Also, there are plenty of very helpful people on this board.
  • fmurphyjr
    fmurphyjr Posts: 3 Member
    This is my first post and this is a topic of real interest to me. I had the band surgery 14 months ago (I have the Realize Band) and it has been the greatest experience of my life! I started at 320 lbs and today I weigh 180 and have never been happier! A lot of the responses talk about the change required and the limitations imposed by the band but I think those would occur in any diet or weight loss program. You have to make changes and you need to change the way you have lead your life because at least weight wise what I've been doing hasn't been working really well to this point. The amount of food I can have at a meal doesn't seem restrictive to me because that is the amount my body needs to function properly. My new healthy diet plus my workouts have given me a new life. Yes it was extreme but FOR ME I know I needed the extra incentive and help that the band provides so that when I inevitably have my moment of weakness at least I have the band to back me up and remind me to stay on track. I's definitely NOT the easy way out, you have to be dedicated and really want it and if you do it's the greatest but if it's not done the right way then like all diets and programs, failure is a possibility. Good luck to everyone out there with their weight loss no matter what program or diet you follow!
    PS not that it's a big thing but my total weight loss posted here is since I joined Fitnesspal (Gotta get all the credit I can you know :) )
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    i'd say no after watching a documentary the other night where one girl nearly died and another was left permanently incontinent - don't know if you'd get it there it was on uk channel 5.

    plus people who've had success with it tend to be left with loads of loose skin because they lose the weight so quickly.