Thanks for your reply. I was trying to figure it out with tech support but was not getting very far. If I figure something out, I will try to post back. I did notice that Fitbit and MFP calories were different. I do think it is somehow related to when I take my Zip off of my waste band for the night. Seems to stop syncing…
Thanks so much for your reply. The full sync for Sunday still hasn't occurred:(. And there are a couple of days further back where it didn't as well. For example, Tuesday (8/16), it only did through 11:13p.
Should the Fitbit Zip sync every night to 11:59p? I always thought it did. For some reason recently (i.e in the past two weeks,) I have had some days where it doesn't sync the full day's worth of data. For example, last night it stopped at 9:50p. It is syncing fine so far today...
I bought a Vitamix 5200. It was hard for me to justify the cost, but I can now drink smoothies with kale and fruit. I highly recommend it. And the best is that my 2 1/2 year old will drink them too:).