

  • 208 this morning. It's been five or six months since I've been this far below 210. It feels great! And as long as I remember to check in on a daily basis, I do well. My doc says my ideal weight is 190, so work lies ahead.s
  • Tipped the scale at 210.8 this morning which is down from 213.1 on New Year's Day. I never would have been as high as 213.1 had I not eaten a prime rib dinner at 10:00 on New Year's Eve. It's a journey, right?
  • Good Day, Everybody: I'm new to MFP and very happy to be the new guy to the group. I'm over 50, but I have never had a problem exercising. It's always been the food. I look forward to working with everyone and I'm open to all suggestions...especially as it relates to replacing my usual num-nums with equally satisfying…