Slowly introduce a calorie deficit by reducing calories by 100 a week (worked out from your BMR); Introduce compound lifts to your weight training (I suggest looking up Starting Strength and modifying it; ignore the diet advice in the book). Squats, deadlifts, bench press, power cleans will work your posterior chain pretty…
Its perfectly fine to do that much isolation exercises in one day a week; do it as many times as you want a week. Muscle stimulation varies from individual to individual, as does hypertrophy/sarcroplasma secreations.
Well for starters; "toning" doesn't exist. (its a myth sold to women by the fitness industry circa 1980) You can build the muscle or decrease the amount of fat stored in a fat cell (can't create a muscle cell or remove a fat cell outside of cosmetic surgery). I'd suggest hitting the arms once or twice a weeek but as always…
I'd put it down as a machine myself as its signifcantly inferior to the bench press; I'd swap it out for Incline chest press using dumbbells myself.
buy a cheap heart rate monitor; almost every catalouge has one for around £20 that should measure calories burnt during exercise.
Myprotein pea protein; 2.5kgs for realitvely cheap price. It taste crappy and probably isn't as biodiverse/bioavailale as whey but it contains all the healthy benefits of green foods (phenpols sp?) that increase metabolisim. The natural ways; cottage cheese, cheese, beans, lentils, milk, soya beans (not recommended for men…