

  • To be honest with you, I was totally out of control and starving hungry all the time. I was all the way up to 160 on June 26, 2012 when I decided I had to do SOMETHING..One of my friends at work told me about my fitness pal. I got it and started trying to control my eating, but I was starving. Then I remembered that I had…
  • She is so beautiful!! That should be all the motivation you will need to get back on track. A healthy life for you that she can emulate as she grows older. Thank heavens she wasn't harmed and you will heal in time!:smile:
  • I guess most of us hate to exercise, but like so many on here I find that if I watch something I love and make myself turn it off if I quit walking is enough to keep me going. Every tiger game I get on the treadmill.. I HAVE to go 30 minutes.. after that I can stop walking and still watch the game but I find that most of…