help! I hate exercise!



  • Irish_eyes75
    Why not start simple and just walk?
  • Kathy535
    Kathy535 Posts: 31 Member
    I try and give myself some flexibility, so I have a few things I might do including 10 mins on several different cardio machines; a big session on one machine with a goal (30 mins, 5 k jogging etc); interval training on each machine; a long walk; a swim (again, here you can have choices, sometimes I include sprints, I might do lots of arms / legs work to improve my stroke etc); an exercise class or a home DVD. This way it minimises the excuses I can make about being too tired or not having the time and there's usually something I can do that is slightly less painful or boring than other options plus I don't get so bored. Even so, there are some days when I can't face it (like today after trawling two sulky teenage girls around a shopping centre and spending loads of money) so I give myself a free pass (but not too often).
  • BosBruin5
    BosBruin5 Posts: 52 Member
    Just find something you love to do that keeps you moving. Maybe just walking, hiking, yoga? I even love playing Just Dance on my kids Wii. If you do it long enough and start seeing the results, I'm sure you'll keep with it :)
  • rudimae
    rudimae Posts: 107
    I hate it, too. I know folks say that once you get into the routine, you crave it. I don't. I know it's not a good attitude, but I feel like exercise is torture. My husband and I started exercising regularly (3-6 or more days/week) back around March or April. Except for a two-week slide in June, we've been exercising at least 3, usually 5, days/week. At first we took turns on the treadmill watching tv shows. Then we got an exercise bike so we could both be working out at the same time. Then came the weight bench, then yoga dvd. Hate it all.

    We have recently bought bicycles and have been riding on the weekends. That is much better for me. It's still hard at times.

    That said, I still do it. What keeps me moving on my worst days is visiting my mom, who may eventually lose her leg to circulation problems. Always feel like coming home and hopping on the treadmill those days! I chant to myself, "C'mon blood, keep on flowing."

    But some days, I exercise to eat. Sad, but true! We're having a big supper tonight. Even knowing this, I indulged in a bagel at work today. If they hadn't had Panera's asiago bagel, I'd have been fine...but...

    Anyway, once I added it to my pre-logged info, I was -300 calories. I either had to look at the red number or exercise my way out of the hole.

    I exercised, so I could eat.
    KENNEAN1 Posts: 5 Member
    I know just what you are saying, I was so out of shape until it just killed me to do simple things, but what I started doing was just 15 mins on the bike, then 10 mins rowing, then 20 leg lifts and etc until now I am at 30 mins bike, 20 mins rowing, 100 leg lifts and this is my second week in the gym (4 days a week). So the summary of this message is JUST START.
  • jencyjoan
    I guess most of us hate to exercise, but like so many on here I find that if I watch something I love and make myself turn it off if I quit walking is enough to keep me going. Every tiger game I get on the treadmill.. I HAVE to go 30 minutes.. after that I can stop walking and still watch the game but I find that most of the time I just slow down a little and keep on going! I'll never love it, but it's so worth it.
  • martinak89
    I understand what you mean about quitting the 30 day shred. I started it a while ago and it absolutely killed me the first time I tried it but I kept going. I started it months ago and still haven't been able to pass level 1 but the changes it has made to my body are amazing :) It really does tone you up, although listening to Jillian saying the same thing every day really does get annoying so I've added different things to my life instead of doing the shred everyday.

    Trust me, I hate exercise as much as the next person, but I kept telling myself that I need to do this and honestly any day that I skip doing my exercises or avoid going for walks I feel bad.

    For me its all about making a routine for yourself to follow and staying positive :) If you tell yourself you hate exercise then that is all youll think when you try and start.
  • Nawalt1
    Nawalt1 Posts: 9
    Thanks everybody for all the great advice! I think taking it slow and finding something I enjoy sounds like it could work! i remember last year I did a couple of classes of boxing and I really enjoyed it, so Im going to look for some classes. I also enjoy dancing, so I'll look for those too. Again thanks again everyone, you have motivated me to try again!
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    First off, no one said that you needed to enjoy exercise to do it. Sometimes things we don't enjoy are necessary for a good life.

    Second, as has been said, see if you can find something that you like to do.

    Third, maybe you started too big. Pick something smaller and easier for you to do and do that for a while just to get into the habit. Then pick one day to challenge yourself to something harder. You'll be surprised at how quickly you'll reach a point where you can do the harder stuff.

    Keep trying.