

  • I take a multi vit but its not that 'multi'... most are missing things that people need to balance out on their own depending on what they personally need. I also take Iron, Cal w/ D and fish oil daily.
  • Kitchenaid mixer and breadmaker
  • Little over a month and doing great! I actually took a sip of my husbands Diet Mt Dew the other day and it tasted sooooo nasty. I could taste the artificial sweeteners and it made me gag. How did every one else do? Are you going back or staying with it?
  • I found some stevia gum on amazon. Called SteviaDent .
  • I got a good deal of the info posted here from reading the 'Skinny *****' cook book then went and referenced the info other places. I believe it. I dont see a reason for keeping the stuff in my diet besides continuing to not think about what Im putting in my body. Im going through my cabinets now and not finding a ton of…
  • Thanks Cassmonster! Its gonna be hard but I already switched off nondairy creamer to soymilk and am using sugar in my coffee. Going to pick up sugar in the raw at the store today. :) If you just copy the ones I listed out and print them on a sheet of paper or keep a copy with your shopping list it will make it simple when…
  • Bump? I know its high compared to most but Im 6' foot tall and 212 so I guess I normally need more than most. Anyone else? I feel like I'm eating so much more food now. Turns out I gained all my weight because I had my body in starvation mode.
  • This thread is making me feel sooo much better. I always feel so alone when it comes to this. Thanks so much for the support. Us tall girls need it too. <3
  • If you are here that is the major thing! Your are trying and thats what counts, take your time learn how and what works for you. if not you will get burned out and give up! Going over on bad stuff is much worse than going over on the good! Look at your daily and pick something you think needs the most work and work on…
  • Thanks, this makes me feel a ton better. I'm so tall (read big) compared to every one I know (outside of family). I think my tallest friend is 5'5''. They just don't get it and I cant shop with them when they are going to stores that look at me funny because they only sell up to a size 9 and me being a 14/15. :(
  • Just bumping this up. :(
  • Two weeks is not bad for a woman. Any were near 'that time'. Some women retain before some retain after and some just before and after. Maybe try cutting down salt? Salt intake helps with water retention and maybe also try adding more seeds and greens to your diet. Helps me. Good luck and be happy your not gaining. :)
  • Awesome! Cosplay rocks. I would be doing the same if I could only be happy with my body in some of the costumes I would want to wear. Rally want to go as Sunako in her Nazi chainsaw slasher garb (wallflower)... ;) Sending a friend request. :D
  • WOW! Thanx for the warm welcome, everyone. :) I'm not sure how to send a friend request yet but I'm happy to accept any I get. :)