blackdahlia22 Member


  • If that is you in the picture you look young and your body shape may still be changing (btw you still look amazing). I know my body totally changed between the ages of 18 and 23. Even though I weighed the same amount, my small troll belly moved up and became a nice chest and I ended up with a curvy figure compared to the…
  • I hurt my ankle 6 weeks ago, both high and low ligament tears. I was at bed rest for 5 weeks before getting the ok to begin walking with a boot. According to the BMR I should have been eating 1500 calories. I actually dropped my intake to 1200 eating lean and clean and have managed to continue to lose a couple pounds a…
  • I can totally feel your pain. I have been in a boot for 6 weeks due to supposedly a severely sprained ankle, 5 weeks of which I have been confined to my bed keeping my foot propped. (My ankle is still swollen and they now believe something is torn.) I am now allowed to begin walking in the boot but in moderation. I have…
  • It all depends upon the individual some people genetically have higher cholesterol readings than others. I do not have cholesterol issues and I normally eat at least one egg daily as a snack. (Just for reference I live alone and purchase eggs 3 to 5 dozen at a time) I do know that if I sit around and indulge for several…