Same weight I use to be but look different

Hey all, if anyone can spread any light on this I would be extremely grateful-
I have lost almost a stone in weight (14lbs) which leaves me back at the weight
I always was but I look completely different, I still look like I did before I even lost
any weight, well I'm a little smaller but I definitely need to lose more. I just don't understand
that if I lost the weight I put on, I don't look how I did before I put on the weight you know? :huh:



  • LisaWilson2012
    LisaWilson2012 Posts: 118 Member
    Are you strength training as well as including cardio in your exercising?
  • Lalsh
    Lalsh Posts: 16
    I'm not no, I don't really do much exercise to be honest, some days I might but I mainly just
    eat less during the week, I still have treats at the weekend. I didn't have much to lose but now
    that I have lost what I needed to I still look the same and that's not me being paranoid! Just thought
    if I lost what I put on, I would be back to how I use to be, I guess it's just not the case. Thanks for your
    response :flowerforyou:
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member

    I have lost almost a stone in weight (14lbs)...well I'm a little smaller but I definitely need to lose more.

    14 lbs is not a ton of weight. So yes, you will be only 'a little smaller' - sounds about right..From your profile picture (if it is you) I'd say you look fine.
  • Lalsh
    Lalsh Posts: 16
    I wish that was me but unfortunately it's not :cry: Thanks for your response. I know it isn't
    much to lose but it was for me and getting back to what I use to weigh was great for me
    but a bit disappointing when I didn't look the same :cry: I will try lose a few more pounds
    and be happy with that :smile: Thanks
  • ingies2011
    ingies2011 Posts: 127 Member
    You should do weight training and eating plenty of protein to build up more muscle tissue, if you maintain your weight whilst doing this you will start seeing your shape change. If you haven't done much exercise maybe start by doing something like the 30 day shred (it is on youtube) or buy it on amazon, lots of people have had great results with it.
  • Lalsh
    Lalsh Posts: 16
    Thanks very much for your help :flowerforyou:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Don't try to "lose more weight." Work on body composition instead. Exercise including strength training, with good nutrition and way more protein than MFP suggests. Dieting alone will not get you the body you want, because you'll lose muscle with the fat if you're not eating right and exercising.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    This sounds kind of silly, but yes, your body looks different now because you added 14 pounds of fat and then took it away. The activities you did while you gained (and then lost) that tissue changed the rest of your body composition too. You probably had more muscle before you gained extra weight and you haven't put it back on again now that you've lost it.

    It's the flip side of all the people on this site who complain that they exercise a lot, look great and have lost inches, but haven't lost weight.

    You will need to exercise to look your old self again. You may even look better! Even brisk walking in good exercise for the legs and abdomen and buttocks. You can carry light weights and work your arms a bit too. Or you can work out harder.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    Like others have said, it could be because you lost some muscle in addition to fat so your body composition is different this time. When you gained weight, it was likely mostly all fat, but then when you lost it by eating at a deficit you can lose muscle too so you can end up with more fat at the same weight. Follow the suggestions of strength training and getting enough protein and give yourself time and you will see some improvements! I wouldn't even pay attention to the scale at this point. I'd also start eating closer to your maintenance calories!
  • yksdoris
    yksdoris Posts: 327 Member
    first of all, congrats on the loss!

    Secondly, right now I'm not yet back to the weight I was when I was comfortable with myself, I've still about 4 kg to go, BUT - and this is the freaky part - the clothes that fit me then are now loose on me because I've more muscle and less fat than I did then. So, while I'm not yet even at my goal weight, I am already at my goal shape, almost, and it's all because of the workouts! Of course, some things are never going to be the same: gravity has done a number on my boobs for example :P

    Now it's just toning and tweaking for better muscle definition.
  • MommaKit79
    MommaKit79 Posts: 852
    There could be changes in your body. For me, I am down to a weight Iw as before my wedding but, I have noticed some of those clothes I bought then still dont fit me correctly enough to wear. DIFFERENCE is, I have had a baby since then and lost a bunch of the muscle tone I used to have under the insulation. SOOOO....I have to gain the muscle back I lost and lose the fat that is now in its place.

    As we age, out bodies change, for one reason or another. Start weight training or something to build muscle and that will help. GOOD LUCK!!!
  • Lalsh
    Lalsh Posts: 16
    I can't thank you all enough, what you all have said makes so much sense to me!
    I will get my lazy *kitten* in gear and get moving. Thanks again :smile:
  • blackdahlia22
    blackdahlia22 Posts: 4 Member
    If that is you in the picture you look young and your body shape may still be changing (btw you still look amazing). I know my body totally changed between the ages of 18 and 23. Even though I weighed the same amount, my small troll belly moved up and became a nice chest and I ended up with a curvy figure compared to the troll that I was.

    Just a thought.

    Keep up the good work!
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    Before you started, did you take measurements? You might have lost inches but for some reason it's not showing like you might think.
  • Lalsh
    Lalsh Posts: 16
    I wish it that was me in the pic!! I'm in my late 20s also!
    I didn't take measurements no, I'm just going by clothes etc. I basically
    lost a stone, I'm back to the weight I was and have been or years but my clothes
    are still too tight and I don't look any different. What everyone said though makes a
    lot of sense, I haven't really been very active so I that could be a lot to so with it.
    Thanks again :smile:
  • LottieLou13
    LottieLou13 Posts: 574 Member

    I have lost almost a stone in weight (14lbs)...well I'm a little smaller but I definitely need to lose more.

    14 lbs is not a ton of weight. So yes, you will be only 'a little smaller' - sounds about right..From your profile picture (if it is you) I'd say you look fine.

    Ouch... 14lbs is 1 stone which here in the UK is a good figure to be able to say that you have lost.

    To the OP - I have lost 1.5 stone...or there abouts and my body looks the same (to me) and seems to be the same shape too. My measurements have gone down and some of my old clothes are now dropping off me.

    Unfortuantly you can't spot reduce or pick and chose where the weight comes off from. I'm sure when I weighed this weight 10 years ago my bum and stomach weren't this big...but so long as the weight is coming off it will all catch up with time :smile:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    Losing weight without exercise DOESN'T ensure that the weight lost was mostly fat weight.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Lalsh
    Lalsh Posts: 16
    Thank you!! Yep a stone is a lot I would have thought!! :huh: It was for me anyway!
    Well done on your weight loss :smile:
  • Lalsh
    Lalsh Posts: 16
    Can I ask how I could incorporate strength training into my day without going to the gym?
    I'm not a member and cannot afford it :cry:
    Thanks :wink:
  • jackflak
    jackflak Posts: 153 Member
    Before you started, did you take measurements? You might have lost inches but for some reason it's not showing like you might think.

    What she said. Have a friend that has lost some weight-not much and it bothers her, BUT if you look at her, you can tell that she's lost inches. Take your measurements, do your weight training AND cardio, eat right, and things will change. You just gotta give it some time.