

  • you have to take into consideration a lot of variables. diet, weight used, manipulation of the weight, time under tension. in a perfect world you would see some mass and strength gains. the stronglifts were not designed for making someone a bodybuilder or a powerlifter but give the benefits of both. guess some would call…
  • i think people misinterupt toning. toning and weight lost is two differ things. now this is just my personal opinion. toning is done to a muscle so i believe you have to build the muscle before you can tone it. now weight loss and leaning is what i believe you are aiming for. now walking is a good start, as a matter of…
  • a calorie deficit is basically how many calories you didnt take in from what is alloted or what your goal is. like for me to maintain my weight i would have to roughly take in 3000 calories a day. so if i wanna lose weight then i need to take a deficit or take in less calories. hopefully that makes sense if not let me know…
  • welcome back what does your training consist of?
  • what exactly is a diet pal