calorie deficit?

i dont understand the calorie deficit thing... does that mean i have to burn that many calories a day to lose weight?
i udnerstand what me TDEE is, and some people are saying that the deficit is subracted from that.. im confused? any help?

calorie def: 740


  • a calorie deficit is basically how many calories you didnt take in from what is alloted or what your goal is. like for me to maintain my weight i would have to roughly take in 3000 calories a day. so if i wanna lose weight then i need to take a deficit or take in less calories. hopefully that makes sense if not let me know and i can explain it further
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    TDEE is the calories you burn in a day. You burn most of them just by existing (that's your BMR) and the rest are from daily activity.

    If you eat more than your TDEE you gain weight. If you eat less than your TDEE you lose weight.

    Your calorie deficit is the amount of calories you subtract from your TDEE. So my TDEE is 1760. If I eat 1500 calories my deficit is 260. That's enough to lose about half a pound per week. To lose 1 lb of fat you need to have a deficit of 3500 calories, so if you set your goal at 1 lb per week loss your deficit will by 500 calories per day, so 500 x 7 = 3500.

    So if your TDEE is 2000 and your deficit is 740, then your calorie goal is 1260. Does that make sense?
  • haroon_awan
    haroon_awan Posts: 1,208 Member
  • bump