flores4life Member


  • I have fallen off and got back on so many times this is my third try with this website. With such a bussy life it makes things os hard however I am trying to keep trach of every thing in a note book and then putting it on this sit. It is deffernatly not easy However I am determined and if I fall off again im guna get up…
  • Thanks I guess im jut a little frustrated at how to do this we are a family of five with one income it is hard to buy realy healthy food at the prices they are today. I also am on the road two to three days a week to school. Im gone from none to 6 pm that's lunch and dinner. I am trying not to eat after 7pm cause I heard…
  • I have just started using it and was just woundering if anyone had tried it along with MFP and all I need help with weight lose other then tracking what I eat every day.. I need something to curb my cravings and my want to eat if I thought it was a big deal to ask about it I would not have.
  • I feel the same way it is a motovator to go. If i was at home with videos ect, I might just not do them however knowing that Im paying for the things i do use is excelinte motivation to make me go every day even when I realy dont want to or are to tired./