

  • hee haw, near the Virginia line.
  • I see you have decided to stay in this dysfunctional relationship and raise two innocent children in a dysfunctional household (sad). :explode: Raising children in a healthy enviroment starts at home and if you and your mate refuse to provide that then what do you expect your children's behavior would be? I am not trying…
  • Hi and welcome to the HBCU Board!!!!:smile:
  • WOW......You look great!!!! I am not sure of your age but you look super young now! Just amazing!
  • Wow. Looking great!!! You guys look very very young now! Congrats
  • I lived on campus all four years at Shaw University. Shaw is a small university and everyone was like family (when I was there). I enjoyed my college years (1993-1997) and wouldn't trade it for the world. While in college, I didn't join any organizations. Years later, I joined the Order of the Eastern Star (PHA). While in…
  • Thanks for starting an HBCU Board. I look forward to sharing, meeting and discussing topics with you all. Well.....I represent two HBCU's. I did undergrad at Shaw University, Raleigh, NC (I got that Shaw U pride) and graduate school at Virginia State University, Petersburg, Va. I have so much love for HBCU's. Oh and I will…
  • OMG YOU look GREAT!!!! You look so young in your after pic. Great job!
  • When she says "you know your body is different right?" or "You know you might not ever be that size again right" "maybe your just not supposed to be that size anymore" . You say "keep watching me". Some people are just jealous and wants to shut your self esteem down because they have low self esteem. Don't let it! keep…
  • Hello, I've been there as a college student wanting to lose weight and low motivation. There were to young ladies lived on my floor that was walking 3 times a week. I asked could I join them for these walks and they happily said yes. We walked in the mornings 3 times a weeks for 30 to 45 minutes. Some days, I would go on…
  • OK Let me start by saying this, a boyfriend should never ever tell you to lose weight. To me, he with you because of looks. He should love you the way you are. OK. I agree with others. You look great in the 1st and 3rd photo. The middle photo makes you look very unhealthy and ill. Bottom line, do what makes you comfortable…
  • Oh My God, you look AMAZING!!!! You are not boring me with putting your new pics up in fact you are an inspiration. Thanks for inspiring me and posting your pic. WOW just gorgeous!!!