I want honest opinions?



  • viad25720
    viad25720 Posts: 57 Member
    Also, if you have the much of a distorted image of yourself, you may need a counselor. Classic symptom of eating disorder I know that sounds mean/offensive but I'm not attacking you. I had a huge over eating problem. I'm not perfect. But you really need to consider what I'm saying as caring advice. Don't be in denial
  • sandyyy712
    Also, if you have the much of a distorted image of yourself, you may need a counselor. Classic symptom of eating disorder I know that sounds mean/offensive but I'm not attacking you. I had a huge over eating problem. I'm not perfect. But you really need to consider what I'm saying as caring advice. Don't be in denial

    Trust me, I'm not in denial at all. I know I've developed an eating disorder...first I ate too little which is why I looked how I did in the second. But now, thanks to my over-restrictive diet and people telling me I was too thin, I've started overeating. I'm trying to find a happy medium, but so far I haven't been successful.
  • tennisbabe94
    tennisbabe94 Posts: 444 Member
    I think you look best in the third picture, the middle one you look a bit too thin. But how do YOU feel? In which picture did you feel happiest? That will lead you to your answer. You're really beautiful in all three though!
  • Anomalia
    Anomalia Posts: 506 Member
    Your boyfriend is a **** for saying anything about your weight. I think you look the best in the third pic, that is a more realistic weight to maintain than the second pic.
  • Mommagoose4
    Mommagoose4 Posts: 132 Member
    I think you look the most healthiest in the last picture - you look sickly skinny in that middle picture you want to get back to you! And yes this is coming from the skinny girl turned fat & trying to be skinny again. I think no you look awesome. So honestly be happy with who you are....
  • mollyW2012
    mollyW2012 Posts: 94 Member
    i think you should feel comfortable in your own skin. i agree you looked much too thin in the middle picture. if your boyfriend was telling you to drop some weight my opinion is you should drop HIM. I'd bet you'd feel much lighter after that! you looked young and beautiful in the first picture.

    ABSOLUTELY. What she said.
  • Corsetopia
    Corsetopia Posts: 307 Member
    I don't see any problem with any of the photos, I think you look good in all three, even the middle one. I don't think you look sick in that picture, just thin. Keep your head up and as long as YOU'RE comfortable and healthy who cares what others think? ...Especially that boyfriend of yours, plenty of fish in the sea who would worship you, not tell you to lose weight when you already looked super cute.
  • tom_olech
    tom_olech Posts: 139 Member
    Your boyfriend is an idiot...you look stunning! Altho in your middle pic you look alittle too skinny...
  • laurenleighlugo
    laurenleighlugo Posts: 21 Member
    You worked hard to get into the shape you were in. Honestly I don't see a problem with any of the pictures you posted. As long as you're healthy, be whatever weight you wanna be. You're so pretty and that won't change no matter how your weight fluctuates.
  • JulieinMaine
    I think you look great in the first picture, healthy and young and just right. The middle picture you look much too thin, unhealthy. If you feel comfortable in the last picture, that's fine, but if not, go back to how you were in the first picture and get a new boyfriend who doesn't judge you for what you look like on the outside. The most important thing is that you feel good and you are healthy. You're too young and pretty to worry about such things, just be happy with yourself. :happy:
  • jennajocummings
    i think you should feel comfortable in your own skin. i agree you looked much too thin in the middle picture. if your boyfriend was telling you to drop some weight my opinion is you should drop HIM. I'd bet you'd feel much lighter after that! you looked young and beautiful in the first picture.

    What she says... The ONLY thing you need to drop is your boyfriend!
  • findingme07
    findingme07 Posts: 156 Member
    Honestly....find a boyfriend who never says you need to lose weight.

    145 is very healthy for a 5'8 woman...and you looked so much cuter in the first pic. :)

    I agree, lose the dude not the weight!
  • lorihalsted
    lorihalsted Posts: 326 Member
    You look GREAT in your third pic and way too skinny in the middle. You were fine before you lost any weight but I can see where you would want to tone up. Don't listen to the boyfriend.
  • ShaJ1
    ShaJ1 Posts: 13
    OK Let me start by saying this, a boyfriend should never ever tell you to lose weight. To me, he with you because of looks. He should love you the way you are. OK. I agree with others. You look great in the 1st and 3rd photo. The middle photo makes you look very unhealthy and ill. Bottom line, do what makes you comfortable and not to please others.
  • rebeccasedwards
    Drop the boyfriend. :-/ I think you look great in the last picture. In the middle picture you are too thin for your height. Remember the scale is a number. You need to feel good about yourself too.
  • Shrinking_Stacey
    You are beautiful in all 3! The middle one is awfully thin. I graviate toward thicker/curvy body types but everyone is different. For me personally, the older I get the better I feel about myself in general and the less I care what other people think. Good luck on your journey <3
  • halcyonist
    I'd do you.
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    It's a bit hard to compare the pictures properly, because you're lying on your back, fully clothed, in the first pic, and I know for myself that my thighs always look bigger when lying in that position than when standing up.

    You seem to have quite a small frame, from the size of your wrists and shoulders, and the way your hips don't go out very far, even in the first pic. I have a small frame too, although I'm shorter than you. If you have a small frame, you're likely to be uncomfortable with a lot more weight. You don't look uncomfortable in the first pic, from what I can see. It looks like quite a natural weight for you. I also don't think the middle picture looks shockingly thin - your arms and legs look a healthy size, but your trunk looks a bit bony - your ribs and hips are sticking out a bit. I know that can easily happen from having a small frame, and you can still be healthy with it, but it's the kind of thing people will always comment on and tell you how you're too scrawny. Also, it's uncomfortable if you're lying on your tummy, so the third picture looks more comfortable for you. But you also look very comfortable in your skin in the first picture.

    Your boyfriend had no right to tell you to lose weight. It's your body, not his. Any changes you make to your body should be for you, not to suit someone else's aesthetic preferences. It's about which weight you feel most comfortable and most healthy - not about how people think you look. There will be people who think you are too big and people who think you are too skinny, but only you know what's right for your body. So I'd be looking at it in terms of - what was your lifestyle like in the first picture? Were you eating relatively healthily and being fairly active? If you were bingeing on Doritos every day, for instance, and feeling bloated all the time, then maybe that wasn't your healthy weight, but if you were eating a healthy balanced diet and feeling fine, then that weight was probably fine. It's really more about health than weight. But if your priority is about aesthetics, and looking your best, then I'd say don't go back to being like the second picture, because people are generally not very complimentary about people whose ribs show, and it's often portrayed in the media as an ugly, unhealthy thing to be avoided and scorned.
  • katrinkap
    katrinkap Posts: 443 Member
    tell that piece of **** boyfriend to get lost. anyone who tells anybody to lose weight when they are at a healthy weight to begin with is a mother F*&^%$.

    honest opinion.

    be comfortable in your own skin, you are the only person in this world that can make you happy. :) good luck and add me if you want another friend! :)
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I had more time to calculate now. !20 is underweight for your height. If you were naturally that way, that would be one thing. Honestly, with those 5-10 lbs, you still distinguish yourself from the "average" person but aren't as likely to be uncomfortable or unhealthy. Your last picture is probably my own goal weight. I don't think you need to "add muscle," I'd keep doing what you are doing with your muscle routine. On the days you overeat, just consider that a bonus for your muscles. If you are fluctuating between 125-130, you aren't in any danger from your "overeating." You are still on the very light side of the BMI scale in that range. I would talk to someone, though, for some help with your body image and need to be special by being underweight. You are already beautiful. Really beautiful. I'm hoping you learn to realize that you are good enough without needing to have an extra edge.
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