Karlsmit Member


  • this would explain all the noise coming from my boyfriend's office...
  • where do you live? If I shop for groceries in downtown Vancouver, where I live, instead of going out to the suburbs or even across the border into Washington...WHAT A DIFFERENCE! Some cities are crazy expensive and you have to shop smart. If there is an Asian supermarket near you, check it out! prices on meat and produce…
  • I've never been a breakfast person (especially traditional greasy, heavy breakfast foods). I almost never eat before 10am because my stomach gets a little upset if I eat much early in the day. I usually just wait till lunch. I'm 5'9" and typically stay around 150lbs when not working out (skinny fat) but go to about 130…
  • hahaha I nearly choked on my gum when I read "hyenas" that is such an accurate description!
  • I'm about to eat a spoonful of Nutella :D Gingers are awesome (even ones unfortunate enough to have cankles) because I am one and I say so the entire theater was laughing at how bad the last installment of the twilight series was and it made us all laugh even harder R. Patt and K. Stew BOTH suck low fat, sugar free…
  • wow, yeah you need to get a better saddle! I just read an article the other day about how women can get permanent nerve damage from biking with a seat that pinches those nerves, which lead to decreased sexual enjoyment. YIKES! I'm sure it would be the same for guys, be careful! get a big fat squishy saddle if you have to!…
  • welcome :) feel free to add me as a friend
    in Hey :) Comment by Karlsmit May 2012
  • Hi! this place is a great tool and a wonderful, positive community. I know you'll do well :) WELCOME! feel free to add me.
    in SUPPORT Comment by Karlsmit May 2012
  • all my big kitchen knives, my (filled) camel back day pack, all the energy bars in my pantry, rain jacket and hiking boots, then head up the steepest mountain. but I live in a highrise...so I'd probably be fairly safe here for a while don't you think?