jkmiller82 Member


  • Yum! Bump!
  • This! This is my favorite thing to eat!
  • These brownies: http://sallysbakingaddiction.com/2012/06/10/skinny-peanut-butter-swirl-brownies/ As the recipe is, it is a little higher in calories, but I used PB2 instead of peanut butter (could cut it out all together) and I cut the sugar to 3/4 cup (could use sugar substitute). They were absolutely amazing. I felt…
  • Wow! You look amazing! Congratulations!
  • I've made this pasta primavera recipe before and it makes a ton! Probably enough for you and your wife to have lunch for the week and it's very healthy. http://kfoxcooks.blogspot.com/2012/04/healthier-pasta-primavera.html When I first started dieting I felt like I was spending so much money because I was still…
  • I highly recommend these brownies: http://sallysbakingaddiction.com/2012/06/10/skinny-peanut-butter-swirl-brownies/ I made some substitutions when I made mine and subbed PB2 for the regular peanut butter and cut the sugar down to 3/4 cups (it wasn't missed) or you could use a sugar substitute for even fewer cals, but mine…
  • I just got the reduced guilt spinach and Kale yogurt dip based on suggestions here and...OMG! I'm in love. 2 tbsp for 30 calories? It's amazing! Also got some whole wheat naan and a bag of their Inner Peas crunchy pea fry thingies. They are both delish. Non-food related-I got a bottle of their SPF 30 Full Spectrum…
  • Yum, it seems like it could be really versatile with seasoning as well!
  • If you are just trying to lose weight then it doesn't matter what you eat as long as you have a caloric deficit. If you are wanting to be HEALTHY, however, you should be eating foods that are nutritious.
  • I use it for cooking. If you don't use too much you can't taste it in the food...and a little goes a long way. Today I cooked some ground beef with it, for example. I also put some on my lips before I go to bed. I love the stuff. I want to try it on my hair, but I'm a little afraid, haha.
  • I eat this all the time: Cut an avocado in half and take the stone out. Cut slits in the flesh both ways. drizzle on some lime juice and chipotle tabasco then fill the pits with a little parmesan cheese and stick the halves under the broiler for a minute. Once the cheese in the pits is melty take them out and cover them…
  • I had a broiled avocado with parmesan, lime juice and chipotle tabasco with a salad with baby tomatoes, bacon and salsa yogurt ranch dressing.
  • I have this problem. I've read that if you start to feel hungry, ask yourself if you're hungry enough for healthier foods. If you're not willing to eat an apple to get rid of your hunger then you aren't really hungry, it's just a craving. Or distract yourself and take a walk. It could be boredom masquerading as hunger.
  • I just recently started shopping there and am addicted. Cheap coconut oil, dried wasabi seaweed chips, almond milk, kimchi, dark chocolate covered pomegranate seeds, and wine...all of the wine.
  • You could do red wine or vodka and soda water. Bring your own crystal light packets in your purse and mix it with the soda.
  • Both of my parents and my sister, but none of them use it consistently.
  • I've been super into this mexican salad I've made recently. I just cook the chicken in a pan with some coconut oil and low sodium taco seasoning. Then I'll add some mixers, like fajita veggies (they have microwaveable ones at my Target) then I'll toss that on a couple cups of salad mix and baby tomatoes and add 2 tbls of…
  • I have over 900 healthy recipes on my board. Here's a link for some yummy, healthy recipes. Cheers. http://pinterest.com/jana1982/healthy-living/
  • I love Larabars! You really have to be careful about what flavors you get though. I've tried ones that I immediately had to spit out. My favorites are apple pie and Peanut butter cookie. I've recently been eating the Pure Protein Peanut Butter Chocolate bars when I'm in a hurry and need to grab and go.
  • I feel ya girl. If I could have a steak shaped blob of steak fat I'd probably be a happy girl, haha.
  • Old me: Cheesy Gordita Crunch-490 Baja Beef Chalupa- 410 Meximelt- 270 Wash it down with a Baja Blast 20oz- 280 Total:1450 calories (Sweet Lord!) New Me: Fresco Grilled Steak Soft Taco- 160 Pintos and cheese- 180 water or unsweetened tea- 0 Total: 340 calories (Much less heart burn)
  • Seriously! I had to stop buying them because I can eat the whole can in one sitting. I know almonds are good for you, but I can't use moderation when it comes to those!
  • As long as you're at a calorie deficit it should be fine to eat at whatever time you want. Some people believe you should stay away from carbs/fruit late at night though, due to bloat. I don't know if you like cottage cheese, but that's a good choice for a late night snack.
  • Try skinnytaste.com and chocolatecoveredkatie.com They makes traditionally "unhealthy" meals a little healthier. Lots of great ideas.
  • Rolled oats, Madras curry powder, caramelized onions, salt, and a splash of olive oil (optional) It's not in the recipe, but I add raisins. Found this recipe online and I've never looked back. Haven't had it in awhile. Might have to make it for tomorrow.
  • Great job! You look amazing!
  • Both of those sound yummy!
  • You look amazing! Great job!
  • Once a month I'll go crazy at Burger Street. They have a burger that's covered in green olives and it is the best. I'll have chili cheese curly fries on the side. I'll never understand people who say they used to love fast food and now they can't stand it. I think I'll always love it, haha. Other than that, if I have to…