

  • Right. That point about losing weight off the liver was actually a joke, thrown in to lighten my post. And it's a bit heavy-handed to start on "anyone with a brain," which comes across as a touch heavy-handed, not to mention discourteous. I don't do internet fighting, so let's calm down and return to giving the OP our…
  • Talk to your doctor. They are the best person to advise on the right way for you to lose weight, because they know your state of health and your medical history. What is safe for somebody else may not be safe for you, and vice versa. Personally, I don't believe that there's any quick fix or reliable way to lose weight…
  • Portioning your snacks out does help. I'm terrible for grazing, and the best thing for me has been to find substitute healthy snacks - so I can still eat a whole pack of something mindlessly if I want. Cherry tomatoes are good for this as they're bite-sized and the whole pack only sets you back 70 calories. I also love…