Tips to avoid mindless snacking?

This is one of my worst eating habits. I'll pick up a box of cereal for example and just sit there and snack & snack. My mind will be telling me to stop, but I'll just keep going. Any tips on how avoid this?


  • When you pick it up, put it back down immediately. Get out of the house and go for a walk.
  • AmoreCouture
    AmoreCouture Posts: 255 Member
    Don't pick up the box of cereal (or any other food) like that, just portion out enough food and put the rest away.
    Keep the snacks that are too tempting out of the house if you feel you get carried away with them.
    Boredom always seems to be my problem, so go outside and get a change of setting if you find you're "bored snacking" all day.
  • hhayes06
    hhayes06 Posts: 189 Member
    Measure out one cup ( or serving) and take that with you to the couch instead of the whole box. Or put the box away and go brush your teeth then drink a glass of water.
  • Get a bowl and measure out a serving or 2 of the ceral. Put box away.
  • Measured portions, as others have said, is key. I am a snacker and usually a portion satisfies that craving.
  • mikebooker1
    mikebooker1 Posts: 148 Member
    I definitely feel your pain! I basically had to stop keeping bad snacks in the house. I keep a lot of fruit now and at first I'll admit it was an adjustment period and I still fall off the wagon sometimes but it works. Or another thing i did instead of grabing the whole bag and plopping down on the couch I'd just put a handful(or two lol) on a napkin and put the bag back in the cabinet. At least that way I am cutting down on my portion sizes.

    good luck!
  • Newf77
    Newf77 Posts: 802 Member
    Only take the portion you want and put the box back away; I have this issue with bagged foods {chips/straws/nuts} so I will portion the food out in the kitchen and then put the package away. I know it sounds cliche but try a large glass of water, instead of snacking everytime you want to munch take a sip of water.
  • LERadicalDreamer
    LERadicalDreamer Posts: 61 Member
    I don't keep snacks in the house. As for stuff like nuts, i portion them out on a plate abd then put the bag away so I don't just keep grabbing for more.
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    In addition to measuring out portions, you can keep your hands busy doing other things. Giving yourself a manicure will discourage snacking at least until the polish has dried.
  • the best thing to do is to finish off the box and don't buy it again, that's what i usually do. and jump on the treadmill
  • AwesomeSquirrel
    AwesomeSquirrel Posts: 644 Member
    I have to plate all my food in the kitchen and then take it away to eat (no seating in my kitchen). I also eliminate activities that lead to mindless snacking; for me the big downfall is watching TV/DVDs because it's a very passive action so I limit the time I spend on this or find something to fiddle with at the same time i.e. braiding my hair, writing a grocery list or just playing with a hairclip. If you are at all crafty I understand taking up something like knitting can help with situations like this,
  • yourenotmine
    yourenotmine Posts: 645 Member
    Knit. Garden. Keep your hands busy with something that doesn't allow eating at the same time. It's a good tactic to help break the habit.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    If you have a problem with any food in bulk, I suggest that you bag all cereal, nuts, etc. in individually portioned amounts. I use snack bags, which are half the size of a sandwich bag. Then lay out all the food you plan to eat that day. Put all the rest in an inaccessible location. You are less likely to go back and break into tomorrow's food if it is sorted and organized that way. Of course, weigh and measure everything you put in the bags. Right now I have bags of almonds , trail mix, granola, pita chips, crackers, jerky. It is all easy to throw a serving of something in my purse for an emergency.

    Otherwise, take up some hobbies that use your hands. I knit. It is hard to eat and knit at the same time. I have some lovely things now. I might also suggest turning off the TV. It is a mindless activity. When we spend our time in a mindless state, well, we do many things mindlessly.
  • HerBravado
    HerBravado Posts: 392 Member
    I have that SAME problem. I snack on cereal, especially Cheerios. But it's not exactly healthy when I sit there & eat the whole box.

    I drink water! 1 liter of ice cold water while I'm snacking. It helps fill me up so I won't go back for seconds. :)
  • sweetiebelle
    sweetiebelle Posts: 332 Member
    I had that problem last night so I grabbed a bowl of watermelon I ended up eat 5 cup lol my gosh I was stuffed but it was watermelon! (I was watching tv) that was better than eating a whole bag of chips! My husband bought them home. Bad bad!
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Measure out one cup ( or serving) and take that with you to the couch instead of the whole box.

    That. Only have one serving in front of you, not the entire box or bag.

    Sometimes looking at what one serving actually is, is enough to make me reconsider eating something. For instance, if I look at 100 calories of M&Ms, vs a 90 calorie chocolate chip granola bar, the granola bar looks like a lot more food for the calories. I'll still get the chocolate taste, but feel more satisfied.
  • Portioning your snacks out does help. I'm terrible for grazing, and the best thing for me has been to find substitute healthy snacks - so I can still eat a whole pack of something mindlessly if I want. Cherry tomatoes are good for this as they're bite-sized and the whole pack only sets you back 70 calories. I also love eating blackberries like this, and they're cheap at the moment as they're just coming into season.

    I like snacking and grazing, and I've never succeeded when I've tried to give it up in the past. This time, I'm finding ways to manage my snacking so I can still do it without compromising my weight loss :)
  • lwlock
    lwlock Posts: 33 Member
    Attach small electrical wires to the box of cereal. Or have a small rabid badger guard the box.

    Or used measured portions. That works too.
  • emmie0622
    emmie0622 Posts: 167 Member
    Chew sugarless gum!