

  • Adding fruit helps reduce the need for dressing, I find. Orange and grapefruit go great with chicken and fish; sliced apple or grapes go well with cheese and ham. Berries are good with goat cheese. I also love mango with prawns. Never found a fruit that goes well with eggs, mind you! Adding seeds and nuts helps to boost…
  • Thanks for the advice about compound training. By the way, the PTs at my gym all say exactly what someone else said about the metabolic rate and 48 hours continued calorie burn after the actual workout. In addition, they recommend doing some interval cardio AFTER a strength session in order to maximise calorie burn.
  • The advice about skipping the 'gap week' and taking the next pack straight away should be completely fine. But you can ONLY do this if you are on a kind of pill that you take the same every day, though. If you have a kind with different pills at different times during the month you will need to use extra protection unless…