This helped me a lot. Thanks so much for taking the time to explain your lifestyle and tips that will help me in becoming healthy.
This is great, thanks so much!!!
Pay no mind to her, Just do your thing and know what your goals are. STAY POSITIVE Kathy
You are a beautiful woman, just reading your testimonial has given me motivation. Kudos. :heart:
I commend you for all your efforts. People that did not notice, just weren't paying attention. It's how you feel. You know your accomplishments. Maybe a before and after pic would make you feel better. You have just given me inspiration as a newbie to this site. I challenge people to notice and if they don't, I will say,…
I am also eating real food. I am new to this site and just started this week. It will be fun to check in with each other. Thanks. Kathy:smokin: :bigsmile: