cingroomer Member


  • I'm in but will need to be on my lunch break.
  • I'm on my last 10lbs too and crawling. I've lost 28 so far, and knew the last ones were the hardest. I'm trying different foods though, low calorie, to shock my system and get it out of the same routine of foods to see if that helps. I can't really increase my exercise so thats not an option. Trying not to get discourages,…
  • i have that little pooch line above my belly too and from what I hear you can only exercise to get that off. I've done the Jillian Michaels boot camp DVD and she talked specifically about it. I think some of it has to do with after menopause too and getting that midriff bulge. I've got about 13lbs left to lose but don't…
  • If hes a sweet eater, a really easy and good recipe is a box of cake mix (I use spice cake), a can of pumpkin and 1/2 can of water. Mix and back. I make muffins out of this and they are great. With the box mix i use and pumpkin, comes to 55 calories each. I then use the fat free cream cheese with a little cinnamon for an…
  • Good for you Clarissa, it sounds like you are on the right track. Keep it up.
  • I'm going to my third class tonight and wondered also. I do Zumba the other 4 days and can easily figure the calories burned in there.