

  • Hey, feel free to add me if you would like. Just started MFP in August and am 52. I love to encourage and could sure use some of that myself. Good luck on the journey.
  • Is it too late to join ?? I am fairly new to this and have yet to get in on a challenge. No gym membership. Still in physical therapy after ankle surgery, but itching to move forward. How do we check in/measure ??
  • Add me too. Am 5'4" and started at 205. I am just aiming to take better care of me. Been a stressful couple of years and have not taken care of myself well at all. I am looking to get better control of the eating and get in some exercise as I have a very sedentary job. Count me in as I would be glad to share notes, etc.
  • Hi, I am a newbie here, but thought I would comment as well. I am 5'4" and started at 205. I am also 52 years young. Right now, I am setting milestones, not one complete goal. It has been so long since I have consistently tried to take care of my body, that small steps make me quite happy. My first milestone is to get…
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