anyone weigh 200lbs or more?

Hi there everyone, I was looking at topics and stuff and there's a lot of motivational groups out there but I was wondering if anyone weighs over 200lbs and wants to loose weight with me. There's a lot who's under and I'm very proud they have got below or already was but I feel to self conscious joining as I'm much heavier than a lot of people and I don't need to get toning as much as some people are I need to loose the fat first. The lighter you are the more harder you need to work to loose more and tone so I can't really relate so I was wondering if anyone who weighs over 200lbs would like to help me build a motivational group and help us get under that 200lbs mark!

I'm 5"4 and currently weigh 242.8lbs and my goal weight is 145lbs so I've got just under 100lbs to loose!


  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    I'm at slightly above 200 lbs and taller than you (5" 11') but I am certainly not just dieting and trying to do cardio and weight workouts. Why? - for me, it is faster than just calorie restriction and it is healthier - I'm trying to look out for my fitness. It takes me a long time to do that -- so perhaps adding some type of "toning" would also help you out.

    Best of luck in whatever path you chose.
  • ravengirl1611
    ravengirl1611 Posts: 285 Member
    Im pretty much the same as you - I'm 5'6 and 250lbs right now - for me Im not as concerned with what the scale says - Im focusing on getting my eating in better shape (less calories and better calories) and losing the inches - the scale will say what it will - Ideally Im hoping to get to the 130lb - 140lb range but it's the inches more that I care about - feel free to add me - I'd love another buddy to help get to where we want to be!
  • mrseelmerfudd
    mrseelmerfudd Posts: 506 Member
    im 5ft5 and currently just over 200lb after some time away from mfp. im looking to lose about 2/3 more stone :) feel free to add me :D
  • rawbird
    rawbird Posts: 4
    Add me too. Am 5'4" and started at 205. I am just aiming to take better care of me. Been a stressful couple of years and have not taken care of myself well at all. I am looking to get better control of the eating and get in some exercise as I have a very sedentary job. Count me in as I would be glad to share notes, etc.
  • Yes I am. I had some medical set backs and ate my emotions. I am still 297 and have lost 74 pounds. I am so ashamed I let depression do this to me. I am determined I am losing this weight. I joined this group for motivation to see other people are going through what I have been through. I just joined and have not finished my profile yet. You can do it. Just take one day at a time.
  • VCanadapt
    VCanadapt Posts: 142 Member
    I'm 5'3" and over 200 lbs I've been bouncing back and forth for a while now trying to get under the 200 mark. In the past I would get so frustrated and give up. I had an "Ahaha!" moment in April of this year and I'm sticking to losing this weight. I haven't seen Onderland (as they call it on MFP) in @ 17 years so I'm looking forward to it. 1 pound at a time.

    Feel free to add me.
  • I'm 5ft 4in and weigh 227 lb. My weight has been as high as 245 lb and as low as 208 lb. Right now my goal is 160 lb, but I may change that as I get closer. I would love to be part of the group!
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    Hi I started at 245 and a 5f5. just getting down to 207 at the moment so feel free to add me.
  • Same boat with me. I'm pushing about 235 5'10" and I need to get serious and drop at least 50-70 lbs. I definitely could use the support and motivation, so anyone else in the same boat- please feel free to add me as well!

  • ABetterJayme
    ABetterJayme Posts: 29 Member
    I am 5'6" and over 200 lbs. I am trying to help myself get more fit so that I have more energy so I don't just sit around the house. I want to get out and do stuff! :)
  • Kari089
    Kari089 Posts: 109 Member
    Feel free to add me..I'm 5'2" and struggling to get under the 200 mark.. still have a long way to go! :)
  • I'm part of the over 200 club! :)
    I should be just under, so that's what I'm working towards.

    There's some great advice here...toning is important as you're losing so you don't end up with loose skin. The hardest part for me was the eating healthier/better/cleaner. I'm just walking/hiking nearly every day, and I've recently incorporated some light weights & a kettlebell workout. The scales don't always say what I want (or what I think they should), but the results in the mirror can't be denied! :)

    Best of luck!
  • I am 220, 5'4. I also would like to get to 145. I just joined on Sat. and I am journaling what I eat and what I do to exercise.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    204 and 5'7"! Add me if you like :)
  • gordonide
    gordonide Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 212lb and struggling. I have yoyo'd up and down from when I use the tools here and when I stop using them ;-( I would just encourage you not to worry about other people's weight and letting that make you feel awkward. The important point is that you want to do something for yourself and there are a lot of people out here in exactly the same position as you. So do whatever you can, track everything that goes in and the exercise for calories expended. You'll be amazed at how quickly the balance between in and out changes as you begin to succeed. Just try and stay within your goals, don't panic if things don't go according to plan and then watch your weight go down. Feel free to add me if you want some encoragement as I would love some in the other direction as I begin the cycle once again.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I am 175 at the moment but was 213 when I joined.

    Feel free to add me, all (: <3
  • Hi I am 168 cms tall & weigh 110kgs or 245 pounds & I would like to lose 30 kgs & get down to 80 kgs - 175 pounds... Sz 14 Australian dress size.

    I am eating 1300 cals per day this week and feel lighter & I don't exercise - I would rather wait until I lose 20 kgs and then join the gym. I'm eating Lite n Easy dinner meals which are quite nice and I chose the 450 gm to 550 gm serves to keep the hunger pains away. Yes I'd like to join an over 200 pound group to keep inspired :)
  • I am 5' 8" and I weigh 246...goal weight 155. I have 91 lbs to lose. Add me if you want =)
  • I'm currently at 240 feel free anyone to add me, the more support the better x
  • Kareeedwards23
    Kareeedwards23 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm 5'4 and 209 lbs. I use to feel the same way you did about the toning but I gotta tell you, I have lost more inches and weight this time then ever in my life from just doing cardio.i now do cardio and weights. I was 227 lbs when I joined a gym about 45 days ago and pretty much have been going everyday. I had to slow down when my son got sick and even though I was still eating healthy the weight took so much longer to loose and I saw a difference. I was still doing some cardio but it wasn't the same. Strength training is a very important part of fitness and should be added to your daily routine. Some people believe in only working out for 3 days a week, I don't , it's better to do some kind of fitness everyday. I would love to help be your motivational partner. I research a lot of information, so feel free to ask whatever you like.