

  • Wonderful! I am grateful for the before and after pics. They are very motivating. Keep up the fantastic work!
  • These sounds really good! Do you happen to know the calories per muffin?
  • Hi! I love the idea of having 40lbs off by Valentine's Day! Thanks for starting this group and giving me a goal to shoot for....sexy red dress, candlelight dinner with Ryan Gosling...oh, I mean with my husband :) A little about me...my name is Michelle. I am 42 years old and have started this weight loss journey with my…
  • These days are bound to happen...you are making good progress so don't be hard on yourself. Just get back on it tomorrow. I am new to this but it seems like there is much support here. I am sure that I will have a down day or two (or three...) as I start this journey. Stay strong, friend! This can be done!:smile:
  • Hey Sis! First off, you are beautiful AS IS so don't be so hard on yourself. You are raising two active little guys so I bet that once they are down for the night it is "unwind time" for you. I think that many of us struggle with late-night munchies (I sure do!). If I don't have something in the house I will eat something…