beatpig Member


  • Thankfully it was the dropout, and the frame remains in tact. Had to remove links, take off RD and use one gear on the way home. Was annoying as was properly on form!
  • I did when I cycled TT for the clubs. I may decide to when I start next year. But now, no. I'm not that vain!
  • As a cyclist, I don't tend to do weight training during April to October/November. At those times I stick to the roads. If I had time during the season, I would love to do a weight session and cycle, but time constraints mean that I cannot. When it comes to the off season, I will be undertaking 2-3 weekly sessions in the…
  • I've used a £2 coin before. Also, if you have quick release levers on the wheels/seat post, you can use those!
  • Core is fundamental to correct cycling. A strong core will mean you don't rock your hips, or rock your body. The transferance of power will go directly to your legs, rather than being wasted in body movement. I do these:…
    in Sore Abs Comment by beatpig August 2013
  • I just let out a little man wee.
  • I've always wondered, if it is better to build a bike bespoke to the requirements you need? Sometimes you can get things cheaper and build up the bike you want over a period of time? If building isn't an option (and it's not for some, personally, I can't afford not to!), then go for the best you can afford. I am always…
  • Less resistance on the roads? Or just *FREAKIN* awesome? :laugh:
  • If I have cycled, I have: 1tbsp honey 100mls greek yoghurt 1pint milk 1 banana. 543 calories in 750mls of easy to drink goodness. Good ratio of carbs:protein
  • I have thus come to the conclusion that cycling in China is for winners.
  • I'd try getting some decent gloves with good padding. Some MTB gloves have good support on them which you might want to try. I found that when I started that I was getting some pain in my wrists, but I started taking it easier and trying to use different positions. Is it muscular pain that you're feeling?
  • Most injuries can be sorted out by R.I.C.E, ice is one of those. I wouldn't suggest heat. Do you ride road or MTB?
  • One of the guys I used to cycle with swore by Brooks. It's leather and moulds to your bum. We used to take his bike for a ride when he wasn't looking and it would mould to ours and he'd have a fit.
    in seat help Comment by beatpig June 2013
  • Looks good! I use a Galaxy S2/S3 with T-Mobile also. It doesn't often fail me! Touches Wood. Not in *that* sense.
  • What phone do you use? I struggled for once over the weekend. It doesn't normally happen for me and I use it all the time. I normally switch on the GPS first, wait for that to locate and then start recording. I put my phone as close to the outer layers as possible (if it's raining, it is in my jersey under the rain jacket)…
  • Aeros for TT - every time. Normal rides? No, not really. /twopennies
  • Lance Armstrong used drugs. *That's* what he'd do. :laugh:
  • Or........ Bottom bracket... /twopenceworth
    in Click Noise Comment by beatpig May 2013
  • Well done! The first one's tough isn't it. Good to hear you're motivated and have a goal set down. That helps! To start I was unprepared about what I wanted to achieve... Get on strava!!! Brag about the rides! It's all good!
    in I Did It... Comment by beatpig May 2013
  • In town/City: What speed am I doing? Will that light change? Will that person cross in front? What's that car doing? Can I fit through that gap? In the countryside: Keep-the-cadence-high, keep-the-cadence-high
  • It won't take as long as you think! I work 12.9m from home (12.8m on the way home!), and I was happy when I "broke the hour", ecstatic when I broke the 50minute barrier, and bugger me if I didn't break the 45minute mark a couple of weeks ago. It takes 36 minutes - on a good day - to drive! It's taken almost a year to do,…
  • Owning a hard tail and road bike, and, like you, not used them in any context or anger in nearly 10 years, I love the MTB, but where the roads are bad, I wouldn't risk using my road bike. It's more preservation of the wheels!!!
  • An aces recovery drink I use is (weight based for me, 68kgs - varies for weight) 1tbsp honey 100mls greek yoghurt 568mls/1 pint milk 1 banana Gives the right proportion of carbs/protein and is really light on the stomach. 570cals. Per kg, should be taking between 1-1.2gms of carbs, with a 3:1 carbs:protein. As for riding,…
  • I could never take that off some sweet jumps though.
  • I like these. Both of these. A lot.
  • Well done! My snot rockets have the accuracy of a scud missile!
  • My experience - I cycle 13m each way, I set off at 6am. I am looking at eating a light cereal (wheat based - just one!) with some semi skimmed milk. Maybe take in some honey or something light about 15-20 mins before. And a big glass of water! You'll need to make sure you take water, and maybe a snack to keep you going for…
  • After a few teething problems - I use Strava for cycling! I tried Endo, but struggled with that...
  • Or for those Brits, today is just Pie day. If only there were a 31st April, the British could celebrate.