bonniebrastile Member


  • Girls I had mine in December and one month later gained 22 pounds so I did what my Doctor said to do which I was already doing. Eat healthy, Exercise a hour a day Elliptical, Weights, Walk, Etc...... 3 months later gained 2 more pounds I have Asthma and was having a hard time breathing so she had to put me on a Diet pill I…
  • I am 5'1 I eat 1200 calories. I lost 10 pounds but I am going to 1500 because I exercise everyday and I am stalled right now. My co-worker said to up my calories because I will burn it off when I exercise. I hope this is true.
  • i don't understand why everyone is freaking out about the way things work & the red line, the green line who cares just do your best to your ability. Do what u can. I don't pay attention to that stuff I lost 8 of my 22 pounds am I freaking cause I haven't lost 10? NO Some of these people are skinny as a toothpick & just…
  • I have one cheat day a week usually on a Friday lbi will have one piece ogf Pizza and a garlic roll. I stay the same weight, I just swim, or walk a half hour more the next day.
  • Don't do it. I felt horrible and when I stopped gained it all back plus more. I know a lot of people are going to be against taking pills but I recently had a Hysterectomy in December if 2013 I gained 22 piunds in 3 months I also have Asthma I was at the point where I was using my inhailer every day. My doctor put me on a…
  • Hello sodacat, what's you secret for losing weight?
  • Drink Green tea or black with Lemon. I like to do things naturally but since my Hysterectomy my doctor gave me a diet pill which is the only thing that worked so far exercising 3 times a week and eating healthy. I did all that before without the pill for 30 years and kept my weight right where it was suppose to be. But…
  • I took phentermine i lost 20 pounds and have kept it off for a year but i have also learned from websites like this all you have to do is eat small healthy portions and go to the gym. Since i went off it i have had a lot of problems it might sound like a good thing to do but its not worth all the health problems in the…