Feel like a failure



  • bonniebrastile
    bonniebrastile Posts: 9 Member
    I have one cheat day a week usually on a Friday lbi will have one piece ogf Pizza and a garlic roll. I stay the same weight, I just swim, or walk a half hour more the next day.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I believe that any diet should be flexible enough to allow for reasonable amounts of treats. Having guilt for eating is just plain stupid.
  • Cathalain
    Cathalain Posts: 424 Member
    I disagree with others who say it's ok. Are you depressed because you did something you didn't plan on doing such as going over your calories or are you depressed because now you are in a sugar crash and your brain is telling you you want more. If you exercise, the chemicals making you feel depressed will go away.

    Next time, make your decision before going to the party. Are you going to have cake and pizza or not? If not, eat before going over.

    Wow. If it's not considered "okay" to have a piece of pizza and a slice of cake, I must be Satan, because I had a quarter portion of a Cracker Barrel Baked Apple Dumplin' yesterday - that thing is 3229 calories all by itself.

    No food is inherently "bad" and it's really not a good idea to label it as such. It's a lifestyle change, NOT a "diet", and labeling it as a diet is the quickest way to failure.

    Was that pizza good? Did the cake taste heavenly? So it should have, and that's why they're called TREATS. You have one every now and then, in moderation, and when you have it, you enjoy the hell out of it.

    Do I regret eating that Cracker Barrel thing? Yes, in a way I do, because that was 800 calories I could have "saved" for something else. Am I going to go off the rails and blow it all because I ate 800 calories more than I should have? Hell, no. Did I enjoy the taste of warm baked apples and gooey pecan streusel? Damn right I did.

    It's ONE day, one meal. Log it and move on, as everyone else has said, and don't be so quick to label food as "bad". The food itself isn't bad. Behavior might be... but not food.

    OP, you have nothing to worry about. If you enjoyed your cake and pizza, good on you! Just don't make it a daily habit and you're all good.
  • Gregg8322
    Gregg8322 Posts: 47 Member
    not a failure. its ok and even good to have those things every now and then. it keeps you sane
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    It's not a big deal but I understand your plight because once I start eating good tasting stuff I cannot stop. I don't have the willpower to go to a party and not sample the great food so I simply do not go if I can help it. Try to get back on your diet! Next time you go to a party, try bringing your own food or eat before you go. there is no room for pizza or cake in our meager menus! Remember, you have a cause! While you are starving for that next slice of pizza, let your tummy rumble and instead, write down on a piece of paper all the reasons why you are dieting! You can probably think of a million reasons! You know, the wonderful thing about being on a diet right now is all the wonderful fruit there is to snack on. cherries, watermelon, apricots, pineapple, strawberries, why everything is in season right now. I am on day 24 of my diet and I eat close to the same thing everyday. It might not be exciting or recommended but it helps so much because I will not stray off my diet. I brown bag it everyday. When I deviate from my menu, it is easy to risk going off my diet. like you did. Hope this helps.

    Meager menu??? Why are you starving? I can easily fit in 2 slices of pizza and a piece of cake while still losing weight? Why must you make this so difficult. I'm also not on a diet like you are using the word, that has an end date, and I eat all the foods I love just smaller portions and will do this for the rest of my life.

    She didn't go off her diet, she ate food, she was even under her calories for a day. Overly restricting, labeling foods as "bad", being so damn hard on yourself to try and be perfect are the quickest ways to give up.

    Yesterday I ate funnel cake, fried oreos, sausage & pepper sub, cheesesteak, and a gyro... don't feel guilty at all, I enjoyed every bite of it, and guess what it fit in my day because I ate smaller portions of them all. Do I eat like that every day no, but once in awhile it's wonderful :)

    This...so much this...

    I don't get why people want to restrict and make everything harder on themselves than they have to. Are you NEVER going to eat these things again? Or are you only not eating them until you reach goal and then do you think you can magically eat them again and not gain weight??? WRONG. That's why you need to find a way to fit it in now. If you make lifestyle changes, make things fit into your day, you'll be able to keep the weight off and enjoy your life and food.