I was having the same issue so I stocked up on fruit and I have it with my oatmeal.. If I get hungry before lunch I just snack on a handful of grapes or grab an apple. Pretty much my morning snacks are fruit and my evening snacks are veggies and I always add some fruit or veg to each meal. It helps me keep somthing in the…
Mine is also loose skin.. I already have loose skin on my tummy from the babies and I am afraid its only going to be worse.
hmmmmm. I have pretty much gave up everything I love.. yep.. everything! the hardest thing to give up was my precious Mt Dew.. I have found that even though I LOOOOVE my southern cooked fattening food =o) I love myself more and it gets easier every day!
Yeah MT Dew is the devil... Congrats on your 4 weeks!!! =o) Thanks for all the welcomes!!