

  • About two years ago I did the Nutri system and losed about 15 pounds but I gained it all back and some. I hummed and hawed at first about doing something about my weight. I made excuses! I blamed my thyroid, never recovering from the weight gain when I stopped smoking and to a degree blamed my eatting habits. I am…
  • I really hate telling people what they should do but I need to ask does your doctor know you are only eatting 700 cals a day? In order for the body to burn off weight it needs energy and energy comes from calories. For the past month I have cycled 9 miles nearly every morning and every other morning I do exercies too. It…
  • It is encouraging to read that other Thyroid sufferers have managed to loose weight. I have been on synthroid for about 5 or 6 years. I went to the doctor because I could not stay awake. My weight gain I thought was because I had stopped smoking (which I know played a big part in the weight gain) Since then I have…
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