

  • I know that if I really wanted to I could get up earlier in the morning to exercise. Unfortunately, Im not a morning person and that doesn't help at all! I have three kids and Im a single mom, so I completely undrstand what you are saying. The thing is, I think, is that we have to just bite the bullet and make time where…
  • Im a back and forth user. I use it for as long as I can and then lose interest or become too busy to care. My weight is a major issue for me as it is creating a lot of physical pain. This time I want to stick to this and change my unhealthy ways. Ill support you if you support me. lol :)
  • The more support we all have, the better our chances of success!!! Add me if you like!! Im not a big talker but I do enjoy being supportive when I can!! Good luck to ya!!!