

  • Yes, Seroquel makes one really drowsy at first.
  • Glad the scale is moving--good for you! Can I ask how much (mg) of Seroquel you take?
  • I just want to specify that I currently take 15 mg of Lexapro and 100 mg of Seroquel each day. I know the Lexapro has definitely made me gain weight; I've been taking it for 12 years now. I've been taking Seroquel for about 6 years now. My psychiatrist thinks the Seroquel can cause weight gain. I know I'm on a pretty low…
  • Thanks LyssaJ1!
  • Hi Everyone. This is my first post in a forum. I have bipolar II and have been on Celexa/Lexapro and Seroquel for 12 years now. The meds have made me gain 50lbs--I went from 100 lbs to 150 lbs--50% of my weight and even with tons of exercise could not lost weight. Just about a month ago I started MFP and so far I've lost 6…