Tamisha15 Member


  • I'm in!! I don't have a gym membership but I take Zumba (toning) twice a week, Spin once a week at my local Rec and I do a boot camp Saturday mornings. I will be increasing my workouts to 4 days a week at the Rec and still attending my boot camp. Thanks for this challenge!!!!
  • Tae Bo is great and so are the Jilliam Michaels workout DVD's. Tae Bo really motivates you and Billy Blanks is a classic and so many other workouts incorporate some of his moves. Hope everything works out!!
  • I don't know if you are a believer or not but depression is the work of the enemy. I too have and sometimes still suffer from depression. My doctor prescribed anti-depressants for me and they just made me feel worse. I prayed to GOD for strength and that's what got me through. Depression is a place where we put ourseleves…
  • I not an expert but you should eat according to your activity level. So if after 6p.m. your going to be sitting on the couch watching TV then there is no need to fill your body up on calories you don't plan to use for energy. But if you plan on going to the gym to workout or finished working out you can replace you that…
  • That was too funny and I love that face you put at the end. But on a serious tip, my heart would have been beating out of my chest and I would have called the police as soon as I could. You may wanna use the treadmill at home or at the gym until this whole thing pans out. How do you know they weren't monitoring you and got…
  • First off, your a beatiful, loving mom and wife and a healthy 149 in weight, so you have nothing to be depressed about. Your not that far from your goal just keep trying. If you feel like snacking on something unhealthy just remember what your goals are. Although, you can't deprive yourself either, if its something you've…
  • Wow, I was just craving pizza this weekend! I think this would be a totally better way because I can have fun with the kids and not feel guilty about eating it. I think I'll add some chicken, turkey pepperoni or even shrimp (I love seafood pizza). Thanks for this post, very helpful :-)
  • I can relate to your situation. I have 3 kids, work full-time and each of my kids are involved in activities and my husband's job also keeps him busy. I'm not in school but I do go to my fitness classes 4 times a week and I'm always rushing in the kitchen to find some quick but healthy meals. What I've learned is that as…
  • Looks, like your over in carbs and sugar. I also noticed that your not drinking any water or your just not recording it. I've only lost 9 lbs in the last two months I've been working out but I have lost inches in my waist, my blood pressue is normal (diagnosed w/ hypertension) and I'm sleeping better at nights. If you hate…
  • I do alot of Zumba workouts and their music really gets you going!!!
  • Well I am also a person who suffered from depression and every now and again I find myself in a dark place. I look to GOD for strength and healing and he always comes through. That's also what keeps me motivated. During my workouts when it gets really hard and I feel like giving up, I pray and it helps. My husband and…
  • I know what you mean but you just have to do it because this is just one of the downfalls of being overweight. I thought the food journal was a waste of time but it actually works. You can really see what your eating and change some of those bad habits. I use the food diary on myfitnesspal and it's a lot easier than…
  • I've learned that anything is possible as long as you believe, work hard and never give up!!!!