

  • cwolfman13 - that's a great point! I've started label reading the past two weeks and am starting to do the same thing. I was surprised to see how much High Fructose Corn Syrup is in pretty much everything. To all of the other responses, thank you. I have a few friends that have been eating strictly paleo for the past year,…
  • Rowanwood, it surprises me too!! MFP doesn't count the "Sugar" number as natural vs. sweetened and artificial -- so that could be a huge factor there. 60g of sugar from fruit and veggies vs. 60g of sugar from cookies and ice cream are two totally different things, and that I completely understand.
  • What I find helps me is to make sure I have some healthy snacks at work in the afternoon (carrot sticks & hummus, some pumpkin seeds, etc). I usually eat that between 3pm - 4pm. That way, when I get home at 5:30, and we start getting dinner done, I'm not thoughtlessly eating as I cook.
  • Annonymoose -- you're right actually -- I do eat a lot of fruits during the day (today for example -- I had a 1/2 cup of grapes in the AM, a bag of Subway apples at lunch, and 1 cup of pineapple with my afternoon snack). It may be too much fruit sugars?
  • When I started my diet I was on that exact shift: Friday & Saturday nights: Midnight - 8am Monday & Tuesday: 8am - 4pm What I did was this: Monday - Thursday I worked out (mix of cardio and some strength) and followed my normal eating schedule. Thursday night, I would stay up as late as I humanly could (4 / 5am). Then when…
  • Wow! Thanks a lot guys! I am glad that we are all in the same boat here. I apologize too, for those that don't know "Disco Fries" are french fries covered in melted cheese and brown gravy. Now when people tell me I need to "live a little" -- one of my recent responses was "I lived a LOT, and that's what got me to 315…
  • Thanks a lot man, very much appreciated! Good luck to you as well!
  • I am not sure how much this will add to this topic, but after reading, I felt compelled to share my story: I was a lineman in HS and college football -- highest weight (in shape) was 300 -- size 44 waist. After I stopped playing (1997), my weight went up to 315 pounds (and was a size 48 waist). I could barely make it up a…
  • Thank you for that article, I plan on reading that shortly. It's funny you mentioned protein trachnurse -- I just looked at mine today and it was way under where it should be. I'll have to find something high in protein to add in (maybe some peanut butter or something).