

  • I love Zumba. I bought it for XBox Connect but I find that if I do it at home, nothing really motivates me to keep going, I can stop whenever I want. So I found some classes in my community and I go 2-3 times a week ! I love doing it with people. :happy:
    in Zumba ? Comment by aplanck November 2012
  • Once a week, the same time every week. I usually weigh in the morning after using the restroom. :smile:
  • Don't feel ashamed :cry: The fact that you are taking the steps toward a healthier lifestyle says alot. You just have to realize that it's a lifestyle change. I have been using Diet Free For Life (google it) and I have dropped 17 lbs. It's a wonderful diet because it's not really a diet. You are still allowed to have a lot…
    in Ashamed Comment by aplanck October 2012
  • I would not recommen Adipex!! I used it a couple of years ago along with diet and excersize. The weight comes off fast but comes back fast when you stop taking them, and you can't take them forever.
  • Congrats! And keep up the good work!