

  • Here's Johnny- The Shining (Jack Nicholson) Life is like a bowl of chocolates, you never know what you are gonna get inside- Forest Gump (Tom Hanks)
  • Hi, my name is Tina and I have a 19 month old. I am over 40 and gained 55 pounds during my pregnancy, I have lost all but that persistant 5 pounds but hopefully will get there!
  • I have tried quite abit of the organic products at Costco, including the organic milk. I love them all, the romaine, tomatoes on a vine, the pacific tomatoe soup, all very good products and very tasty. I don't know if they promote weight loss but I feel heathier eating them. Love the list, by the way :)
  • Amazing weight loss though! Don't be so hard on yourself. We all hit a point where it is like rammimg your head into a wall. I am there now and bounce between 3-5 pounds difference every week. Can't seem to get down to my ideal, which is frustraing but I too do not have time to eat in the morning and unfortunately, due to…
  • I took the product years ago when they used to put Ephedra in it. I loved the product and lost just a ton of weight on it. I never ever had any issue with taking the pill other than it curbed my appetite considerably. A few years back they removed the Ephredra from the product and I don't know if it was due to that or my…
  • Do not let them bring you down! Congratulations and keep up the good work! Not only is it liberating to downsize but it is healthy! How they can not say that you are doing it for your family is just mean , spiteful and they sound a bit bitter. I'd definately say that some jealousy is a factor here and your husband sounds a…
  • Yeah, the most frustrating thing for me is that prior to baby I was a workout fanatic. Walked, stairmastered, weights, everything. Now I can not find the time to do anything but chase after him (which is quite a workout) and drag myself to bed. Any ideas are greatly appreciated and it is indeed nice to find others that are…
  • Hey there, I just started today too. Heard some good things from someone doing it awhile. I don't need to loose a lot, just remaining baby weight and maintain. Need to get healthy again! Feeling depressed with the lack of time to get a workout in!:sad: