me but i dont know why! i just wanted nice long nails. painting them helps a lot but you probably dont wanna do that!
interior architect !
i looove that movie too!! mine was the lion king if i remember right
haha my thoughts exactly
9 you have pretty hair!
o hun youre beautiful, dont let anyone tell you otherwise!! he clearly is an *kitten* and probably hasnt been laid in ages!! haha
about 1 n a half years then i went buckwild after meeting my now ex bf
my two year old is insanely picky, but i think its just a toddler thing. hell typically have any fruit [banana, strawberrys, grapes, apple] along with either some kinda pasta dish with jjjjjust a little sauce or a cereal bar type thing. be wont eat sandwiches, pizza, chicken nuggets unless theyre mcdonalds which i cant…
interesting.. im a vegan myself and an addict in and out of recovery unfortunately..i dont do it to make myself feel better about the whole heroin thing more to try and be as healthy as possible. however i must say that when i use i eat HORRIBLEY if i eat anything at all.
people can be so cruel! i was never anymore than a bit chunky in school so no one said anything to my face. i was very outgoing/well liked by most so that probably had a lot to do with it..
one, a 2 and a half year old maniac little boy that i adore!!
you must have not seen her in all her movies because keira knightly normally is very very thin. check her out in the movie atonement. maryln i think was a size 10 kiera is probably a 0.
i didnt read all the responses but why not try 1 pound a week or 1 and a half? 2 ponds is a lot and you have quite a while til september. stick with nice healthy clean eating and be active im sure you could meet your goals! [i dunno what a kilogram is in comparison to a pound oops
photo studio manager. i take pictures of kids at dance recitals and run the studio. and full time mommy. and part time student!
i have this plan for february as well. im transitioning to a raw vegan diet during this month and february should be entirely raw so id like to weigh in on the 1st of the month and see just how great it goes without going nuts with the scale.
super jealous !! i want a vitamix so bad
i doubt shes showing her daughter it like shes a diet ad or anything.. i think she looks fabulous!! good work !
wow id never think yuo were 186 even in your after! you look great!! keep it up
yes. love this. you wont get fat eating fruit trust this lady!
- check this site out
- all i know is you should watch this before starting! :)
well you seem to carry it quite well! im hovering right at 180 [havent gained or lost in a while] and wanna get to between 150 and 160
if you dont mind me asking, how far away from 'proper' is your bmi now?! you dont look too large at all in your pics!! im 5'9 but im still slightly overweight by about 10 pounds but still feel free to add me if youd like !!
so yummy though!! and yea its high in calories.. im transitioning to a raw vegan diet but i may once in a blue moon still treat myself to some rice.. once or twice a month a cooked vegan meal wont kill my efforts. vegan sushi will probably be one of the few things i can get at a restaraunt unless i pick a straight up vegan…
cause i think i look purdy in it haha
how do you measure intake? i bet if you put in '1 cup cooked rice' or cooked rice itll show up. or dry.. like on packages it sometimes tells you the calories for prepared and not prepared...
jasmine rice = the ****tttt. miss it so much
my sons father and i didnt really fall in love until our son was well over a year old.. we stopped talking at one point for over 6 months after a raelly big fight. after we reconnected we kinda realized we cant live without each other.. he said it first, and not to be stereotypical or anything but it was right after we had…