thektturner Member


  • Also - don't be afraid to straighten your arms all the way during the exercises. You are not lifting a heavy enough weight that this could hurt you. Don't do it very quickly (don't "snap" your elbows straight) but straightening the arms all the way is part of your natural range of motion. I read that women were taught, and…
  • Perhaps not getting enough protein? That's what hair and nails are comprised of, after all.
  • That's what I'd do. Or put it on steak (if you eat red meat). Sooo tasty. I also like to make a blue cheese cheeseball, but that's not exactly healthy.
  • That would be odd if that was the problem. I have also been taking Zyrtec (albeit a generic version) for 3 weeks. Before that I had lost about 3-4 pounds over the course of 3 weeks. And now I have lost about .5 lbs in the last 3 weeks. Hmmm.... I really have no idea if that could be the problem, or why it would affect…
  • This is how I did it. It took way longer than I wanted, but I made serious changes. Went from not ever exercising and eating every junk food in sight to watching what I ate. After I felt like I had the diet under control, then I slowly added in exercise. I asked my husband if he wanted to join me for workouts. He always…
  • Cottage cheese, Yogurt / pudding or anything of same consistency (I make myself eat greek yogurt for the protein), eggs, chicken, seafood, jello, olives. Yuck. However, I love a lot of foods others hate: sauerkraut to name one. My S.O. hates anything vinegar-y and I love it all.
  • That's what I was thinking. Might not continue at that pace, but that is AMAZING! Best of luck on your continued journey!
  • I count plain iced tea as water as well. I mostly just drink water at work. But at home, I drink more iced tea. If I were to put sugar in it, I would count it as sweetened tea, which I would not count as water. But plain tea is water that was heated up and cooled again. The tea leaves do not negate it being water.
  • I have the Polar FT7 and I love it. It was the cheapest one I could find which would calculate calories burned. But this one is only for actual workouts, not one that you wear all day, if that's what you are looking for. This calculates heart rate and after you use it a bit, it defines your "fat burning" and "cardio"…
  • When I felt like that I got on a dating website. One of the ones you pay for, since I figured that would weed out people who weren't serious (or just total losers). As a girl, dating websites are much easier. And from your profile pic, you seem very pretty. I weigh about what you do and I don't think it has ever held me…
  • My friends make jokes about how much I pee. I go more frequently than my friend who is 7 months pregnant, if that tells you something. :-) Pretty much always been that way.
  • Nope. I cannot find a guy who is a tool attractive, no matter what he looks like.
  • Last thing I bought was dinner at Famous Dave's Wednesday night. So tasty, but not the best nutrition-wise.
  • Rally's french fries and chewy candy (Laffy Taffy, gummi bears, sour patch kids / straws). Sooooo hard to resist once I think about them.
  • I agree. I have an entire drawer full of snacks at my desk: almonds, peanut butter, oatmeal, Kashi bars... People sometimes tease me about it (mainly my boss) but if you're serious about going down this road, you'll have to get used to unwelcome comments. Best of luck!
  • I do, but not here. I use an app called Target Weight. No one on here needs to see the numbers change daily. I do log every time I weigh myself (sometimes every day, sometimes every 3rd, always in the morning when I just get up, after I pee) just so that I can see the correlation between diet and weight. I don't stress…
  • I was going to ask the same. Just finished week 4 here. I have done P90X before (completed it last June) but have since let everything go to hell. My boyfriend refused to do the videos I did to get in shape to start P90X last time, so we're doing P90. But we're doing a slightly accelerated version. Did 2 weeks of the 1-2…
  • I'd say you don't even have to avoid them, but maybe modify. I know shoulder flies hurt my right shoulder, but not if I do them straight arm, so I do that. I avoid going too deep in tricep dips and I try to sit down when I do some exercises. If I'm not worried about keeping my knees bent, I can focus more on the form of my…
  • Are you just cutting calories or are you exercising as well?
  • Can't say as *hated* the books, but instances where I think the movie is better: Princess Bride (you cannot beat this movie!) Color Purple Dolores Claiborne Fried Green Tomatoes Sleepers The Green Mile Only instance I can think of where I read a book of a film and hated the book was The General's Daughter. Movie wasn't…
  • If I did that, I'd be a terrible person. My boyfriend is diabetic. It's hard though, because I want to. I like to bake and he likes to eat sweets. It has made me stay away from them much more than I would through willpower alone. The fact that I know if sweets are in the house, he will eat them. I'd feel like I was killing…
  • Yes. When I was unable physically to work out (hurt my back) I followed this method and lost probably 10-15 pounds with diet alone.
  • I am also 5'6" and the lowest I have gotten as an adult was 165. Then a friend died and here I am a year later at almost 190. :-( My ultimate goal weight is 145 so that if I do gain 2 pounds, I'm not immediately back in the overweight category. The highest weight for our height to be "normal weight" is 154. I think I'd be…
  • Haha! Record that so I can see, too!
  • That is amazing! Good on you!
  • That is amazing! Be proud of yourself!
  • Nope. I was in 3 dance classes every year as well as sports some years (basketball and volleyball). I stopped doing anything when I hit 8th grade. Gained at least 40 pounds (going from 130 or 140 to about 180) that year. The lowest weight I have been since was 165 - that was last year before a friend of mine died and I…
  • ^^This. They know you'll be sore, but unless it is joint pain or something, you will honestly feel better once you've been moving for about 5-10 min. The stiffness and soreness will go away.