

  • Sometimes that gas/bloat can be caused from bacteria that thrive on sugars... You may not have enough "good bacteria" in your gut. Try adding some probiotics- not the ones in yogurt, but from a vitamin or health food store. Another option is also to add some chewable enzymes to your meals. It will help you breakdown the…
  • Try hydrating the night before you run. Any time this happens to me in the summer, it's usually because I'm dehydrated.
  • I haven't ran any races since last year, but I have ran countless 1/2s. If you have any questions, let me know. You are going to do great. Your first half will be so much fun. It's a great distance. Enjoy every step of it. :)
  • Have you tried cutting all dairy and refined sugars for 2 weeks? Sometimes you have to reset your body's metabolism and that usually the quickest way to do it. Check out the paleo diet for idea....
  • High Fiber/Low-Glycemic Carbohydrates High in fiber, these are always your best fruit carbohydrate choices anytime of the day. Blackberries, blueberries, boysenberries, elderberries, gooseberries, loganberries, raspberries, strawberries, lemons, limes, granny smith apples.
  • Add me. The more accountability I have, the better! Summer is just around the corner. DL