

  • Anyone?
  • You didn't fail you're back and ready to concentrate on it again. sounds like you've had lots of other lovely things to do. now do this for yourself! Good Luck x
  • Zumba have also just started aqua zumba, which my Mum does and LOVES. To be honest Zumba really aggravated an existing knee condition for me, it's high impact and a lot of twisting. Try aqua fit/aerobics if you can, they are fab and if you are from the UK look at Kettlercise (see my other post), fine on my knees although…
    in Zumba Comment by JessNyathi August 2012
  • You look wonderful! Congratulations
  • Family and friends don't believe you? Grit your teeth and prove them wrong! Don't tell them- show them! go go go!