

  • Well, number one is water and we all have that. :) With what I have, I have decreased my portions. Also, I pay attention to what a true serving in per container Is. Man, I was overeating. Making those adjustments alone will set you forth on the right track. If you can, try to log you food and fluid intake as you go…
  • Thank you for the quick responses! I have tried this in the past and the support is what I think I was lacking. It is much appreciated. :happy:
  • Thank you for the quick responses! I have tried this in the past and the support is what I think I was lacking. It is much appreciated. :happy:
  • Oh, no. Please don't be discouraged. i am new to the Message Board and I have had the app on my phone for a minute so I understand. Sometimes life gets in the way. I absolutely adore this site/app. It takes the guess work out completely. Sometimes stress can alter weight loss. You have lost around 10 lbs, right? That's a…