Amen sisters, He died on the cross!!
I'm in. Maybe that will get me motivated again!!!
final count 835 minutes on the treadmill 605 to go. Maybe next month will be better.
up to 775 minutes 665 to go I WILL do better next month!!!!:grumble:
I cant seem to get up to 1200 calories. and if you exercise its even lower. I am always full. I have cut fat out like fat free milk and fat free ranch dressing and butter. and fruits in their own juice. very little starch. I've been adding chia seed to liquids or yogurt. They expand in your stomach and keep you full.…
up to 590 minutes, that leaves 850
410 min 1030 to go. I'll never make it!!! But I wont give up trying!! :sad:
First attempt at this challange I/2 - 30, 1/4 - 40, 1/5 - 20, 1/6 - 60, 1/8 - 30, 1/9 - 30, 1/11 - 80 :noway: to date I have done 290 minutes, only 1150 to go. I better move my booty:embarassed:
I find once a week is plenty! Lots of times I may loose during the week then when I when it counts I have gained, so just once a week for me.
I listen to books and play games on my kindle. The books alone are ok, but when I started playing solitaire, the time flew by.
I'm new to the message boards, and this challenge sounds great. It should really motivate me. So far 1\2 30 min, 1\4 40 min, 1\5 20 min. so that's 1 1\2 hours 22 1\2 hours to go.:wink: